abate = wait
abhor'd = ador'd
abide = tide
abides = resides
able = stable
aboard = pour'd
abode = mode
abode = GOD
abode = road
abode = road
abode = road
abodes = modes
abound = profound
about = out
about = rout
about = out
about = out
about = out
about = rout
above = love
above = love
above = love
above = love
above = love
above = dove
above = glove
above = love
above = love
above = love
above = LOVE
above = love
above = dove
above = love
absurd = word
abus'd = refus'd
abus'd = us'd
abuse = loose
abyss = this
action = satisfaction
address = distress
address'd = impress'd
address'd = repress'd
adieu = view
adieu = do
adieu = view
admire = fire
admire = fire
admired = desired
ado = no
ador'd = abhor'd
adore = bore
adorn'd = form'd
adorns = horns
adorns = thorns
advance = dance
advance = expanse
advance = chance
advances = dances
afar = war
affect = direct
Affectation = fashion
afford = Lord
afraid = play'd
afraid = jade
afraid = trade
afraid = aid
again = lain
again = maintain
again = pain
again = restrain
again = strain
again = train
again = fame
again = pain
again = plain
again = plain
again = same
again = swain
again = flame
again = main
again = pain
again = plain
age = engage
age = rage
age = rage
age = rage
age = t'assuage
age = sage
age = stage
agree = free
agree = harmony
agree'd = lead
agreed = proceed
agrin = skin
aid = maid
aid = dismay'd
aid = afraid
aim = name
aim = tame
air = bear
air = declare
air = prayer
air = repair
air = bear
air = care
air = care
air = care
air = care
air = fair
air = fair
air = fair
air = fair
air = fair
air = fair
air = fair
air = fair
air = hair
air = pair
air = stare
air = stare
air = there
air = bare
air = dare
air = fair
air = Fair
air = fair
air = fair
air = fair
air = here
air = fair
air = fair
air = scar
airs = cares
airy = fairy
alarms = arms
alarms = arms
alarms = arms
alarms = charms
alas = glass
Alcohol = extol
alike = strike
alive = arrive
alive = strive
alive = survive
all = ball
all = call
all = call
all = hall
all = waterfall
all = wall
all = call
all = call
all = fall
all = fall
all = hall
allay = ray
allay = way
alleg'd = unfledg'd
alliance = defiance
alliance = science
alliance = Science
allure = pure
allure = secure
allure = sure
alone = own
alone = stone
alone = gone
alone = shown
alone = shown
alone = shown
alone = tone
alone = down
alone = known
alone = none
along = song
along = throng
along = among
along = song
along = throng
along = throng
along = throng
also = know
amaze = gaze
among = along
among = tongue
and = Island
anew = doo
Apollo = follow
appear = ear
appear = here
appear = dear
appear = ear
appear = here
appear = near
appear = near
appear = tear
appear = year
appear = rein-deer
appear = fair
appear = NEW-YEAR
appear = Year
appear = dear
appear = ear
appear = year
appear = year
appear'd = uprear'd
appear'd = heard
appear'd = fear'd
appear'd = rear'd
appears = fears
appears = cheers
appetite = excite
appetite = right
application = oration
approve = move
approve = love
approved = moved
are = fair
aright = bright
aright = light
arise = skies
arise = eyes
arise = skies
arise = skies
arise = skies
arise = disguise
arise = eyes
arise = eyes
arise = skies
arm = charm
arms = alarms
arms = charms
arms = warms
arms = alarms
arms = charms
arms = charms
arms = charms
arms = harms
arms = alarms
arms = charms
arms = charms
arose = beaux
arose = blows
arose = repose
arose = rose
arose = woes
arose = repose
around = ground
around = sound
around = bound
around = found
around = found
around = ground
around = ground
around = ground
around = ground
around = sound
around = bound
around = bound
around = bound
around = drown'd
around = found
around = ground
around = ground
around = ground
around = ground
around = ground
around = ground
around = profound
around = resound
around = sound
around = sound
around = crown'd
around = found
around = ground
around = ground
around = sound
arouse = spouse
arrang'd = chang'd
array = day
array = fray
array = way
array'd = play'd
arrears = fears
arrest = breast
arrest = drest
arrive = alive
arrive = live
art = heart
art = heart
Art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = impart
art = heart
art = heart
art = heart
art = part
arts = hearts
arts = hearts
arts = hearts
arts = hearts
arts = imparts
ascend = end
ascend = befriend
ascend = depend
ascend = end
ascended = distended
ascended = suspended
ascends = friends
ascends = blends
aside = pride
aside = pride
aside = tide
ask = task
askew = blue
aspire = fire
aspires = retires
assail = pale
assail = tail
assail = veil
assign'd = find
assign'd = kind
assist = miss'd
assuage = rage
assume = tomb
astound = drown'd
at = at
at = at
ate = late
attain = vain
attain'd = train'd
attend = befriend
attend = end
attend = offend
attend = send
attend = friend
attend = bend
attend = end
attends = friends
attention = mention
await = state
awake = lake
awake = partake
awake = take
away = stay
away = stray
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = decay
away = delay
away = delay
away = disobey
away = gay
away = lay
away = play
away = play
away = play
away = play
away = play
away = pray
away = prey
away = ray
away = ray
away = repay
away = say
away = say
away = stay
away = stay
away = stray
away = sway
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = FiFa
away = lay
away = play
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = day
away = decay
away = lay
away = play
away = play
away = stay
away = stay
awhile = smile
back = track
back = pack
bag = hag
bairns = concerns
ball = all
ball = call
ball = call
ball = fall
ball = fall
balloon = moon
balls = halls
balm = calm
band = expand
band = hand
band = hand
band = hand
band = hand
band = land
band = command
band = hand
band = land
bane = shame
banks = pranks
bar = mar
bard = regard
bare = air
bark = mark
barque = lark
bath = path
battle = rattle
Bazee = daisy
be = she
be = he
be = constancy
be = degree
be = knee
be = malady
be = me
be = three
be = sea
be = see
beak = pick
beam = dream
beam = dream
beam = dream
beam = esteem
beam = gleam
beam = gleam
beam = stream
beam = seen
beam'd = seem'd
beam'd = seem'd
beam'd = seem'd
beams = seems
bear = air
bear = air
bear = care
bear = fair
bear = hear
bear = here
bear = share
bear = share
bear = there
beat = sweet
beau = so
Beauty = duty
beauty = duty
beauty = duty
beaux = arose
beaux = does
beaux = goes
beaux = toes
bed = shed
bed = laid
bed = head
bed = o'erspread
beds = heads
beds = heads
bee = see
bee = see
been = Queen
BEEN = scene
before = store
before = shoar
before = more
before = o'er
before = o'er
befriend = ascend
befriend = attend
beg = peg
began = fan
began = Man
began = man
began = man
begin = within
begin = chin
beguil'd = smil'd
beguile = smile
beguiled = smiled
beguiles = wiles
begun = run
begun = done
behest = pest
behest = drest
behind = mind
behind = mind
behind = mind
behind = mind
behind = mind
behind = mind
behold = bold
behold = unfold
behold = fold
behold = old
behold = gold
behold = gold
behold = old
beleager = meagre
believ'd = deceived
bell = fell
belle = fell
belle = cell
belle = dwell
Belle = excel
belly = jelly
belly = jelly
belong = prolong
belong = song
belong = strong
below = blow
below = snow
below = flow
below = flow
below = grow
below = know
below = snow
below = flow
below = go
below = no
below = slow
below = woe
bend = attend
beneath = teeth
bent = intent
bereave = leave
bereft = left
bereft = left
beside = hide
beside = defied
beside = pride
beside = reside
beside = tide
besought = brought
bespent = upsent
bespoken = betoken
bespoken = betoken
best = breast
best = dress'd
best = drest
best = zest
best = rest
bestow = glow
bestow = flow
bestow = glow
bestow = snow
bestow = show
bestowed = glowed
bestows = glows
bestrided = presided
betide = guide
betoken = bespoken
betoken = bespoken
betray = say
betray'd = maid
better = letter
better = letter
between = clean
between = scene
beware = fair
beware = care
beware = care
beware = declare
bier = career
bier = tear
big = pig
bill = will
bind = find
bind = mind
birth = earth
birth = earth
birth = earth
bit = wit
bites = writes
blame = claim
blame = shame
bland = land
blase = rays
blast = pass'd
blast = vast
blast = past
blasted = lasted
blaze = maze
blaze = maze
blaze = rays
blaze = rays
bled = fled
bled = led
bleed = deed
bleed = deed
bleed = deed
blend = friend
blend = friend
blend = comprehend
blend = friend
blending = transcending
blending = transcending
blends = ascends
bless = excess
bless = yes
bless = distress
bless = press
bless'd = press'd
blest = rest
blest = prest
blest = rest
blest = rest
blest = carest
blest = oppres'd
blew = view
blew = hue
blight = sight
blind = mind
blind = mankind
bliss = this
bliss = this
bliss = this
bliss = kiss
bliss = peace
bliss = peace
bliss = peace
bliss = peace
bliss = peace
bliss = peace
bliss = is
bliss = peace
bliss = this
blisses = kisses
blisses = wishes
Blixem = Vixen
Blood = God
blood = stood
blood = stood
blood = stood
bloom = doom
bloom = perfume
bloom = perfume
bloom = tomb
bloom = gloom
bloom = gloom
bloom = gloom
bloom = gloom
bloom = perfume
bloom = perfume
bloom = tomb
bloom = doom
bloom = perfume
bloom = perfume
blow = below
blow = flow
blow = wo
blow = foe
blow = go
blow = know
blow = know
blow = slow
blow = snow
blow = snow
blow = woe
blow = go
blow = snow
blow = foe
blow = low
blow = overthrow
blow = 'thro
blow = woe
blowing = flowing
blowing = flowing
blown = flown
blows = arose
blue = askew
blue = dew
blue = do
blue = review
blue = you
blush = rush
board = hoard
board = stored
boat = host
boat = float
boils = broils
bold = behold
bold = gold
bold = hold
bold = withhold
bold = gold
bold = gold
bold = old
Bonaparte = LeClerc
book = look
book = look
book = look
book = look
book = look
book = took
book = took
books = hooks
books = looks
books = looks
books = looks
boot = suit
bore = floor
bore = more
bore = more
bore = more
bore = store
bore = adore
bore = shore
born = forlorn
born = scorn
born = morn
borne = worn
both = loth
bother = mother
bought = sought
bound = around
bound = found
bound = ground
bound = round
bound = round
bound = round
bound = round
bound = round
bound = wound
bound = around
bound = around
bound = around
bound = sound
bound = found
bow = flow
bow = snow
bow = snow
bow = low
bow = NO
bow = throw
bow'd = crowd
bower = hour
bower = flower
bowers = flowers
bowers = flowers
bowers = showers
bowl = soul
bowl = soul
bowl = soul
bowl = soul
bowl = soul
boy = joy
boy = joy
boy = joy
boy = destroy
boy = joy
boy = Joy
Boyle = toil
boys = joys
boys = joys
boys = joys
boys = noise
boys = noise
boys = noise
boys = noise
boys = joys
brain = pain
brain = pain
brain = pain
brain = skein
brain = train
brain = vain
brains = pains
brains = strains
brave = grave
braves = craves
break = weak
breast = arrest
breast = zest
breast = best
breast = confess'd
breast = exprest
breast = oppress'd
breast = possess'd
breast = rest
breast = rest
breast = rest
breast = rest
breast = rest
breast = confest
breast = express'd
breast = press'd
breast = rest
breast = rest
breast = confest
breast = nest
breast = press'd
breast = prest
breast = supprest
breasts = rests
breath = death
breath = death
breath = death
breath = death
breath = death
breath = death
breath = death
breath = health
breath = death
breath = death
breath = death
breathes = wreathes
breeze = trees
breeze = foresees
breeze = trees
breeze = trees
bride = pride
bright = aright
bright = light
bright = light
bright = quite
bright = delight
bright = delight
bright = light
bright = light
bright = light
bright = light
bright = right
bright = sight
bright = white
bright = delight
bright = tight
bring = string
bring = King
bring = Spring
brings = things
brink = drink
brocade = o'erlaid
broils = boils
broke = stroke
broke = forsook
broke = shock
brood = food
brood = mood
brother = mother
brother = pother
brotherhood = good
brought = besought
brought = fought
brought = note
brows = vows
brush'd = hush'd
bump = rump
buoy = joy
burn = turn
burn = turn
burn = turn
burn = urn
burn'd = turn
burning = returning
burning = returning
burns = returns
bustle = jostle
butter = clutter
butter = otter
butter = utter
butterfly = die
by = eye
by = eye
by = sky
by = die
by = eye
by = fly
by = I
bye = cry
by't = spite
cabouse = loose
cadet = get
cage = rage
calf = staff
calf = quaff
call = all
call = all
call = ball
call = ball
call = all
call = all
call = hall
call = stall
call = fall
calls = walls
calm = balm
came = name
came = name
came = fame
came = fame
came = train
camp = champ
campaign = maintain
can = man
can = fan
can = man
can = man
canopy = high
cap = nap
caper = paper
car = mar
car = war
car'd = shar'd
care = share
care = air
care = air
care = air
care = air
care = bear
care = beware
care = beware
care = debonair
care = fair
care = fair
care = prayer
care = repair
care = there
care = despair
care = fair
care = fair
care = there
care = there
care = dare
care = fair
care = year
career = tear
career = bier
career = fear
career = here
career = year
cares = airs
cares = theirs
carest = blest
carest = possest
case = face
case = embrace
case = laws
casks = flasks
casks = flasks
cat = sat
catch = snatch
caught = thought
caught = fraught
caught = sought
caught = thought
cause = laws
cause = laws
cause = laws
cause = laws
cease = peace
cease = peace
cease = peace
cease = peace
cease = peace
ceases = increases
cell = belle
cell = dwell
cell = fell
cells = dwells
cents = prevents
chain = regain
chain = vain
chain = crane
chain = gain
chains = veins
chains = veins
chair = there
chairs = mares
chammeze = poloneze
champ = camp
champaign = stain
champaigne = vain
chance = dance
chance = advance
chang'd = arrang'd
chang'd = rang'd
change = strange
change = strange
chanting = wanting
charge = large
charge = large
charm = arm
charms = arms
charms = arms
charms = arms
charms = arms
charms = alarms
charms = arms
charms = arms
chase = embrace
chaste = disgrac'd
check = neck
check'd = deck'd
cheek = speak
cheek = speak
cheek = weak
cheeks = freaks
cheer = here
cheer = near
cheer = year
cheer = disappear
cheer = ear
cheer'd = rear'd
cheers = years
cheers = appears
cheese = please
cherry = merry
chickens = thickens
chide = side
child = mild
child = mild
child = mild
child = mild
child = smil'd
child = wild
child = wild
child = wild
child = wild
chill'd = kill'd
chime = time
chin = Prim
chin = begin
choice = voice
choice = rejoice
choir = inspire
choir = inspire
choir = ire
choir = lyre
choir = lyre
choir = expire
choose = lose
choose = refuse
choose = Muse
choose = Muse
chose = repose
chose = rose
churning = turning
cigars = wars
cit = wit
civil = evil
clad = glad
clad = sad
claim = blame
claim = name
claim = name
claim = dame
Claret = garret
class = mass
clatter = spatter
clatter = matter
clatter = matter
clatter = matter
clay = obey
clean = between
clean = keen
clear = hear
clear = near
clear = near
clear = hair
clev'r = shiv'r
climb = pine
climbing = Hymen
clime = Time
clime = time
clime = crime
climes = times
closet = deposit
cloud = enshroud
cloud = loud
cloud = loud
clowns = frowns
cloy = enjoy
clutter = butter
cold = scold
cold = hold
cold = old
cold = old
cold = hold
combin'd = find
combin'd = mind
combin'd = mind
combin'd = mind
combin'd = mind
combin'd = refin'd
combine = devine
combine = shine
combine = shine
combine = join
combine = time
combines = minds
come = rum
come = sun
come = on
comes = drums
comes = glooms
command = hand
command = hand
command = hand
command = band
command = hand
compensation = obligation
complain = main
complain = rein
complain = remain
complain = vain
complain = pain
complains = remains
compleat = feet
complete = meet
complete = feet
compose = foes
comprehend = blend
conceal = steal
conceal'd = reveal'd
conceal'd = unanneal'd
concerns = bairns
conferred = heard
confess = possess
confess'd = breast
confest = breast
confest = breast
confin'd = mind
confin'd = design'd
confin'd = mind
confin'd = wind
confin'd = mind
confines = divines
confound = round
confound = round
consented = repented
constancy = be
contains = maintains
contend = end
control = soul
control = soul
control = soul
control = stole
control = soul
controul = soul
controul = soul
convene = green
conversation = observation
convey'd = head
convey'd = made
convey'd = said
cooing = wooing
cool = pool
cool = pool
cool = rule
correct = respect
course = force
course = hoarse
course = force
courting = sporting
cower = power
coy = Joy
cradle = fable
crane = chain
crash = floash
cravat = that
CRAVE = have
craves = braves
craves = obey'd
crazy = Lazy
create = fate
creature = Nature
creature = nature
creatures = features
creep = leap
crest = pest
crew = new
crew = review
crew = threw
crew = flew
crew = Jew
crew = new
crew = view
cried = divide
cried = replied
cried = side
cries = pries
crime = time
crime = clime
crowd = loud
crowd = proud
crowd = loud
crowd = bow'd
crowing = flowing
crowing = knowing
crown = down
crown = down
crown'd = around
crown'd = renown'd
crown'd = renown'd
crutch = much
cry = bye
cry = eye
cry = fly
cry = sigh
cry = die
cry = fly
cry'd = espy'd
cry'd = sigh'd
crying = lying
cup = up
curds = herds
cure = poor
cure = sure
cure = sure
curl'd = world
curls = girls
curls = pearls
curs = hers
curs'd = first
curst = worst
cushion = pushing
daisy = Bazee
dame = strain
dame = claim
dance = advance
dance = chance
dance = glance
dance = glance
dances = advances
dare = air
dare = declare
dare = YEAR
dare = care
dart = heart
dart = part
dash = flash
daughters = waters
dawn = fawn
dawn = lawn
day = lay
day = play
day = ray
day = ray
day = say
day = way
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = play
day = play
day = ray
day = say
day = stay
day = stray
day = way
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = lay
day = lay
day = lay
day = lay
day = lay
day = lay
day = May
day = May
day = may
day = obey
day = obey
day = pay
day = play
day = play
day = play
day = prey
day = prey
day = ray
day = ray
day = ray
day = say
day = say
day = sway
day = way
day = way
day = way
day = way
day = array
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = away
day = lay
day = May
day = pay
day = prey
day = sway
day = way
day = way
day = way
day = way
days = praise
days = raise
days = decays
days = ways
dead = fled
dead = stead
deal = feel
dear = ear
dear = hear
dear = year
dear = year
dear = appear
dear = tear
dear = year
dear = fear
dear = here
dear = tear
dear = appear
dears = ears
death = breath
death = breath
death = breath
death = breath
death = breath
death = breath
death = breath
death = Health
death = breath
death = breath
death = breath
debate = fate
debonair = care
decay = spray
decay = away
decay = away
decays = days
deceived = believ'd
December = remember
decent = recent
decide = pride
deck'd = check'd
declare = air
declare = beware
declare = prayer
declare = dare
declare = fair
declare = hair
declare = year
declare = there
decree = tree
decry = eye
deed = bleed
deed = bleed
deed = bleed
deem = extreme
deem = Queen
deem'd = seem'd
deep = sleep
deep = sleep
deep = sleep
deep = sleep
deer = near
deferr'd = word
defiance = alliance
defied = beside
degree = be
deign = stain
delay = away
delay = away
delay = way
delay = way
delight = bright
delight = bright
delight = flight
delight = height
delight = invite
delight = quite
delight = sight
delight = sight
delight = sigh
delight = Sprite
delight = bright
delight = height
delight = height
delight = night
delighting = inviting
delights = excites
delights = nights
delights = unites
delights = heights
den = then
deny = sty
depart = heart
depart = start
depart = heart
depend = ascend
depend = tend
depended = extended
deplore = door
deposit = closet
depress'd = rest
deride = pride
descend = end
descend = friend
descend = unbend
descend = unbend
descend = friend
descried = untried
design = sublime
design = line
design'd = confin'd
design'd = mind
design'd = mankind
design'd = mankind
design'd = mankind
design'd = mind
designed = refined
desire = lyre
desire = fire
desire = require
desire = fire
desired = required
desired = admired
desired = requir'd
despair = care
despair = fair
despair = fair
despair = fair
despair = fair
despair = hair
despair = star
Despair = there
despise = rise
despise = wise
destroy = joy
destroy = joy
destroy = boy
destroy = joy
destroys = joys
destroys = joys
detect = select
devine = combine
devine = shine
devours = flowers
dew = grew
dew = hue
dew = blue
dew = flew
dews = hues
Dick = thick
die = eye
die = ply
die = sky
die = butterfly
die = by
die = cry
die = eye
die = hie
die = nigh
die = nigh
died = side
died = pride
died = supplied
dies = flies
dies = lies
dies = rise
din = in
dine = wine
dinners = sinners
dint = flint
dip = lip
direct = affect
disappear = cheer
disasters = masters
disbelieve = receive
discarded = regarded
discern = learn
discern = turn
discerning = learning
disclos'd = propos'd
disclose = rose
disclose = rows
disclose = Rose
discompose = rose
discontent = went
disdain = pain
disease = release
disgrac'd = chaste
disgrac'd = displac'd
disgrac'd = displac'd
disgrac'd = plac'd
disgrace = face
disgrace = place
disgrace = race
disgraces = faces
disguide = eyes
disguise = arise
dish = wish
dismay = way
dismay'd = aid
disobey = away
displac'd = disgrac'd
displac'd = disgrac'd
display = May
displays = maze
displays = strays
displeas'd = eas'd
dissolv'd = resolv'd
distended = ascended
distill = skill
distress = face
distress = press
distress = address
distress = bless
distress = oppress
distress = wickedness
ditty = pretty
ditty = pity
divan = man
divide = cried
divine = shine
divine = line
divine = shine
divine = join
divine = line
divine = shine
divine = sublime
divines = confines
do = blue
do = true
do = adieu
do = you
do = new
do = you
does = beaux
domain = reign
domain = train
domain = rain
domains = reins
dome = roam
dome = roam
dome = roam
domes = homes
done = son
done = begun
donors = honours
doo = anew
doom = bloom
doom = bloom
doom = soon
doom = tomb
door = store
door = more
door = floor
door = o'er
door = roar
door = deplore
door = shore
dose = verbose
double-curd = word
double-curd = word
dove = love
dove = above
dove = Love
Dove = love
dove = above
doves = loves
down = frown
down = alone
down = crown
down = grown
down = renown
down = town
down = crown
down = frown
down = renown
down = town
draught = quaff'd
draw = law
draw = law
dread = fled
dread = head
dread = outspread
dread = said
dread = said
dread = shed
dread = tread
dread = tread
dread = head
dream = beam
dream = beam
dream = beam
dream = seem
dream = theme
dream'd = teem'd
dreaming = screaming
dreams = screams
dreams = themes
dreams = scenes
drear = hear
drear = year
dress = impress
dress = oppress
dress = repress
dress = yes
dress'd = best
drest = arrest
drest = best
drest = behest
drew = you
drew = flew
drew = thro'
drill'd = skill'd
drink = brink
drink = sink
drink = think
drinking = thinking
driven = Seven
driv'n = giv'n
driv'n = heav'n
drown'd = astound
drown'd = round
drown'd = around
drums = comes
dry = eye
dry = fly
due = True
due = you
dull = skull
dumb = overcome
dust = gust
dust = trust
dust = Just
duty = Beauty
duty = beauty
duty = beauty
dwell = belle
dwell = cell
dwell = excel
dwell = spell
dwell = swell
dwell = tell
dwell = tell
dwell = tell
dwell = tell
dwell = well
dwell = well
dwell = Hell
dwells = foretells
dwells = cells
dwelt = felt
dy'd = sigh'd
dye = high
dye = fly
dye = vie
each = teach
ear = appear
ear = dear
ear = year
ear = appear
ear = near
ear = near
ear = tear
ear = hear
ear = star
ear = war
ear = appear
ear = cheer
ear = year
ears = dears
earth = birth
earth = birth
earth = mirth
earth = worth
earth = worth
earth = worth
earth = worth
earth = forth
earth = birth
eas'd = displeas'd
ease = please
ease = please
eases = please
eat = meet
eat = repeat
eat = treat
eat = treat
edge = ledge
effac'd = trac'd
eighty-nine = mine
elate = fate
elate = kate
elate = mate
elate = state
elated = related
elevate = wait
elf = thyself
elf = myself
elf = himself
elf = pelf
Elysian = precision
'em = poem
embrace = chase
embrace = face
embrace = face
embrace = face
embrace = case
emit = wit
emotion = ocean
employ = joy
employ = joy
employ = toy
empty = plenty
empyrean = unclean
encrease = peace
end = ascend
end = ascend
end = attend
end = contend
end = descend
end = friend
end = friend
end = tend
end = friend
end = suspend
end = attend
endeavor = favor
ends = friends
ends = sends
endure = pure
endure = secure
endure = secure
endure = secure
endure = secure
endure = secure
endure = more
engage = age
engage = rage
enhance = France
enjoy = cloy
ennui = tea
enriched = stitched
enshroud = cloud
ensued = pursued
ensued = shown
ensure = pure
entwine = shine
erected = respected
espies = eyes
espy'd = cry'd
essay = lay
estate = wait
estate = wait
esteem = beam
estrang'd = unchang'd
Eve = knave
ever = never
everywhere = stare
evil = civil
excel = dwell
excel = Belle
excess = bless
excite = appetite
excite = light
excite = night
excite = right
excites = delights
exclaim'd = maim'd
exhale = vale
expand = band
expand = hand
expand = hand
expand = land
expanse = glance
expanse = advance
expire = choir
expires = retires
explain = Jane
explore = roar
explores = shores
express'd = breast
exprest = breast
extend = lend
extended = depended
extol = Alcohol
extort = sort
extreme = deem
eye = high
eye = high
eye = by
eye = by
eye = cry
eye = decry
eye = die
eye = dry
eye = fly
eye = high
eye = lullabye
eye = reply
eye = sky
eye = sky
eye = sky
eye = sky
eye = sky
eye = spy
eye = supply
eye = supply
eye = why
eye = by
eye = die
eye = nigh
eye = joy
eye = sky
eyes = prize
eyes = arise
eyes = disguide
eyes = espies
eyes = flies
eyes = guise
eyes = patronize
eyes = prize
eyes = prize
eyes = rise
eyes = rise
eyes = rise
eyes = rise
eyes = rise
eyes = rise
eyes = rise
eyes = sighs
eyes = sighs
eyes = skies
eyes = skies
eyes = skies
eyes = skies
eyes = surprise
eyes = surprise
eyes = wise
eyes = lyes
eyes = rise
eyes = skies
eyes = skies
eyes = skies
eyes = arise
eyes = arise
eyes = skies
eyes = surprise
fable = cradle
face = case
face = embrace
face = embrace
face = grace
face = grace
face = place
face = place
face = space
face = distress
face = embrace
face = grace
face = place
face = place
face = place
face = race
face = race
face = race
face = disgrace
face = grace
face = place
face = place
face = trace
faced = placed
faces = graces
faces = disgraces
faces = graces
faces = graces
fade = shade
fails = tales
faint = taint
fair = beware
fair = pair
fair = air
fair = air
fair = air
fair = air
fair = air
fair = air
fair = air
fair = air
fair = care
fair = care
Fair = pair
fair = air
Fair = air
fair = air
fair = air
fair = air
fair = appear
fair = are
fair = bear
fair = care
fair = care
fair = declare
fair = despair
fair = despair
fair = despair
fair = spare
FAIR = spare
fair = air
fair = air
fair = care
fair = despair
fairies = vagaries
fairy = airy
fall = all
fall = all
fall = ball
fall = ball
fall = hall
fall = call
fam'd = nam'd
fame = name
fame = again
fame = came
fame = flame
fame = men
fame = remain
fame = came
Fame = flame
Fame = main
fame = main
fame = name
Fame = name
fame = name
fame = plain
fame = vain
fan = began
fan = can
fane = name
Fane = name
far = star
farewell = swell
farewell = shell
fashion = Affectation
fast = past
fast = past
fast = last
fast = last
fate = late
fate = mate
fate = create
fate = elate
fate = Kate
fate = debate
fate = fret
fate = late
fate = retreat
Fate = Waite
fate = wait
fate = gate
fate = relate
faulter = halter
favor = endeavor
fawn = dawn
fear = near
fear = hear
fear = near
fear = near
fear = dear
fear = career
fear = near
Fear = rear
fear = year
fear'd = appear'd
fears = appears
fears = arrears
fears = steers
fears = tears
fears = tears
feast = guest
feather = together
feather = together
feather = together
feather = together
feature = nature
features = creatures
fed = head
Feds = heads
FEE = me
feel = steal
feel = peal
feel = steel
feel = wheel
feel = deal
fees = please
fees = please
feet = sweet
feet = sweet
feet = meet
feet = sweet
feet = compleat
feet = complete
feet = sheet
feet = sweet
fegs = rags.
felicity = thee
fell = belle
fell = bell
fell = pell-mell
fell = cell
fell = yell
fell = knell
fellow = mellow
fellow = mellow
felt = melt
felt = dwelt
felt = melt
fervors = terrors
few = view
few = renew
few = you
field = yield
field = yield
field = yield
field = yield
field = yield
field = yield
field = yield
field = yield
field = yield
fiend = mind
FiFa = away
fight = right
fill = will
fill = still
find = combin'd
find = mind
find = assign'd
find = bind
find = kind
find = kind
find = kind
find = kind
find = mankind
find = mind
find = mind
find = mind
find = mind
find = mind
find = mind
find = wind
find = mind
find = mind
find = mind
find = resign'd
finds = winds
fine = sign
fire = aspire
fire = desire
fire = inspire
fire = inspire
fire = inspire
fire = inspire
fire = ire
fire = ire
fire = ire
fire = ire
fire = ire
fire = lyre
fire = admire
fire = higher
fire = retire
fire = retire
fire = admire
fire = desire
fire = higher
fire = ire
fires = inspires
fires = inspires
fires = inspires
fires = retires
fires = retires
fires = retires
fires = spires
first = thirst
first = curs'd
fist = twist
fit = tit-bit
fitting = sitting
flame = fame
flame = maintain
flame = men
flame = name
flame = again
flame = Fame
flash = sash
flash = dash
flasks = casks
flasks = casks
fled = dread
fled = head
fled = stead
fled = stead
fled = bled
fled = dead
fled = sped
flee = high
fleets = streets
flew = dew
flew = true
flew = view
flew = too
flew = drew
flew = new
flew = thro
flew = crew
flew = grew
flies = dies
flies = eyes
flies = rise
flies = rise
flies = rise
flies = lies
flies = skies
flight = delight
flight = Night
flight = night
flight = sight
fling = wing
flint = dint
flit = Writ
floash = crash
float = boat
float = note
floats = notes
flood = stood
flood = stood
flood = wood
flood = stood
floods = woods
floor = bore
floor = door
floor = more
flow = blow
flow = show
flow = below
flow = below
flow = bestow
flow = bow
flow = go
flow = know
flow = know
flow = know
flow = know
flow = show
flow = woe
flow = wo
flow = below
flow = know
flow'd = rode
flower = power
flower = shower
flower = hour
flower = bower
flowers = hours
flowers = powers
flowers = bowers
flowers = bowers
flowers = devours
flowers = powers
flowers = showers
flowers = showers
flowers = showers
flowing = blowing
flowing = crowing
flowing = blowing
flown = known
flown = shown
flown = blown
flown = gone
flown = gone
flown = own
flown = room
flown = unknown
flown = thrown
flows = owes
flung = hung
flung = hung
flung = hung
flute = suit
fly = cry
fly = dry
fly = eye
fly = lie
fly = sigh
fly = sky
fly = sky
fly = by
fly = dye
fly = sigh
fly = cry
fly = high
fly = lie
fly = sky
fly = sky
flying = trying
foe = blow
foe = show
foe = blow
foes = repose
foes = compose
foes = goes
foes = rose
foes = overflows
fold = behold
fold = gold
follow = Apollo
fond = pond
food = brood
food = mood
food = wood
food = stood
food = wood
fools = rules
foot = soot
foot = put
forbade = laid
forbear = year
forbid = hid
force = course
force = course
forego = so
forego = woe
foresees = breeze
foretells = dwells
forever = never
forget = pirouette
forget = regret
forlorn = morn
forlorn = born
forlorn = morn
forlorn = morn
forlorn = morn
forlorn = scorn
forlorn = scorn
forlorn = unadorn'd
form = storm
form = warm
form = warm
form'd = adorn'd
forms = warms
forms = storms
forms = storms
forsaken = taken
forsook = broke
forsooth = youth
forth = earth
fought = brought
found = round
found = around
found = around
found = bound
found = resound
found = round
found = round
found = round
found = round
found = sound
found = sound
found = around
found = ground
found = round
found = round
found = sound
found = sound
found = around
found = bound
found = round
frame = inflame
frame = same
frame = vein
France = enhance
fraught = thought
fraught = caught
fraught = thought
fraught = thought
fraught = thought
fray = array
fray = prey
freaks = cheeks
free = agree
free = glee
free = glee
free = tea
free = tree
free = glee
free = me
free = sea
free = tree
fret = fate
friend = blend
friend = send
friend = send
friend = send
friend = blend
friend = descend
friend = end
friend = end
friend = offend
friend = send
friend = send
friend = send
friend = tend
friend = attend
friend = blend
friend = end
friend = descend
friend = send
friends = ascends
friends = attends
friends = ends
friends = impends
fright = night
frost = lost
frown = down
frown = o'erthrown
frown = down
frown = grown
frowns = clowns
fulfil = skill
fulfil = still
fulfil = still
fumo = Juno
fun = run
fun = room
fun = run
futurity = purity
gain = plain
gain = pain
gain = rein
gain = chain
galavanting = jaunting
gale = sail
gales = vales
gales = sails
gales = vales
gales = sails
gales = vales
game = Spain
garret = Claret
gasps = grasps
gate = state
gate = fate
gave = wave
gay = May
gay = away
gay = lay
gay = say
gay = say
gay = way
gay = way
gay = May
gay = May
gaz'd = rais'd
gaze = strays
gaze = amaze
get = cadet
get = yet
ghost = post
gibe = prescribe
gin = sin
girl = twirl
girls = curls
given = heaven
given = heaven
gives = lives
gives = lives
giv'n = driv'n
giv'n = Heav'n
giv'n = heav'n
giv'n = heav'n
glad = clad
glad = sad
glade = maid
glance = expanse
glance = dance
glance = dance
glare = share
glass = alas
glass = lass
glass = pass
glass = pass
gleam = beam
gleam = beam
gleam = stream
gleam = scene
gleam = scene
gleam = stream
gleam'd = seem'd
glee = revelry
glee = free
glee = free
glee = knew
glee = see
glee = see
glee = free
glide = preside
glide = tide
glide = side
glide = tide
glides = sides
glides = tides
gloom = bloom
gloom = bloom
gloom = bloom
gloom = bloom
gloom = room
gloom = noon
gloom = noon
gloom = tomb
gloom = tune
gloom = tomb
glooms = comes
glory = story
glory = story
gloss = moss
glove = above
glow = bestow
glow = bestow
glow = show
glow = show
glow = show
glow = snow
glow = no
glow = snow
glowed = bestowed
glows = bestows
glows = rose
glutton = on
go = blow
go = flow
go = know
go = know
go = slow
go = so
go = wo
go = wo
go = below
go = blow
go = snow
go = woe
goal = stole
god = nod
God = trod
GOD = abode
God = Blood
goes = shows
goes = beaux
goes = foes
goes = repose
goes = rose
gold = bold
gold = fold
gold = hold
gold = told
gold = behold
gold = behold
gold = bold
gold = bold
gold = hold
GOLD = old
gold = told
gold = unfold
gone = alone
gone = flown
gone = flown
gone = lawn
gone = own
gone = tomb
gone = on
good = mood
good = brotherhood
good = mood
good = stood
good = wood
goods = woods
gore = more
gown = town
grac'd = trac'd
grac'd = plac'd
grac'd = plac'd
grace = place
grace = face
grace = face
grace = place
grace = place
grace = race
grace = face
grace = place
grace = face
graces = faces
graces = faces
graces = faces
grahn = supparsen
grand = hand
grant = want
grasps = gasps
gratitude = stood
grave = save
grave = wave
grave = brave
grave = knave
grave = leave
gray = way
Greek = seek
green = seen
green = scene
green = scene
green = scene
green = scene
green = scene
green = scene
green = scene
green = convene
green = seen
greet = retreat
greive = perceive
grew = dew
grew = too
grew = threw
grew = flew
grief = relief
grief = leaf
grief = relief
grieves = lives
grinning = winning
groan = own
groans = roams
grope = hope
ground = around
ground = around
ground = around
ground = around
ground = around
ground = bound
ground = rebound
ground = around
ground = around
ground = around
ground = around
ground = around
ground = around
ground = found
ground = resound
ground = round
ground = around
ground = around
ground = resound
ground = sound
ground = surround
ground = wound
group = troop
grove = LOVE
grove = love
grove = love
grove = rove
grow = below
grow = wo
grow = know
grow = row
growing = o'erflowing
growl = howl
grown = moan
grown = down
grown = frown
grown = own
gruff = rough
guard = hard
guard = marr'd
guard = retard
guard = word
guess = press
guest = feast
guide = betide
guile = smile
guise = eyes
guise = skies
gun = run
gun = shun
gun = stun
gun = undone
gust = dust
hag = bag
hail = sail
hair = air
hair = clear
hair = declare
hair = spare
hair = there
hair = despair
half = laugh
hall = all
hall = call
hall = fall
hall = all
hall = small
halls = balls
halter = faulter
hand = band
hand = band
hand = band
hand = band
hand = command
hand = command
hand = command
hand = expand
hand = grand
hand = sand
hand = stand
hand = stand
hand = understand
hand = band
hand = command
hand = expand
hand = land
hand = stand
handling = standing
hang = sang
hard = guard
hard = regard
harmonize = rise
harmony = agree
harms = arms
haste = taste
haste = taste
haste = repast
haste = plac'd
haste = taste
hat = Pat
hate = Kate
hate = state
hate = state
haunts = jaunts
have = CRAVE
have = slave
hay = play
he = be
he = see
he = plea
he = she
head = dread
head = led
head = led
head = red
head = said
head = shed
head = shed
head = spread
head = dread
head = convey'd
head = fled
head = stead
head = bed
head = fed
head = led
head = said
head = spread
heads = beds
heads = beds
heads = Feds
heads = o'erspreads
health = stealth
health = wealth
health = wealth
health = breath
Health = death
health = wealth
health = wealth
hear = dear
hear = drear
hear = clear
hear = fear
hear = bear
hear = ear
hear = rear
heard = conferred
heard = stirr'd
heard = appear'd
heart = art
heart = art
heart = Art
heart = dart
heart = impart
heart = impart
heart = part
heart = part
heart = art
heart = art
heart = art
heart = art
heart = art
heart = art
heart = art
heart = art
heart = art
heart = depart
heart = impart
heart = impart
heart = impart
heart = impart
heart = part
heart = part
heart = part
heart = part
heart = part
heart = part
heart = art
heart = smart
heart = smart
heart = smart
heart = art
heart = art
heart = depart
heart = impart
heart = impart
heart = part
hearties = parties
hearts = arts
hearts = arts
hearts = arts
hearts = arts
hearts = imparts
heat = sweet
heaven = given
heaven = given
Heav'n = giv'n
heav'n = giv'n
heav'n = giv'n
heav'n = driv'n
Hector = nectar
height = delight
height = light
height = delight
height = delight
height = sight
heights = delights
hell = swell
Hell = dwell
hell = well
hell = well
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = her
her = honor
her = honor
herds = curds
here = appear
here = appear
here = cheer
here = air
here = bear
here = dear
here = sphere
here = tear
here = career
here = there
hers = curs
hid = forbid
hide = beside
hide = tried
hides = resides
hie = die
high = eye
high = eye
high = sky
high = dye
high = eye
high = lie
high = supply
high = canopy
high = flee
high = lie
high = sigh
high = sigh
high = sky
high = sky
high = fly
high = sky
higher = fire
higher = fire
high-sounding = in
hill = still
hill = rill
hills = rills
hills = rills
him = him
him = him
him = him
him = him
himself = elf
hit = wit
hittest = sittest
hoard = board
hoarse = course
Hock = stock
hold = bold
hold = cold
hold = gold
hold = roll'd
hold = unfold
hold = gold
hold = cold
hold = unfold
home = roam
home = roam
home = roam
home = roam
home = roam
home = roam
home = rome
home = throne
homes = domes
honor = her
honor = her
honours = donors
hoof = roof
hooks = books
hope = grope
hope = scope
horns = adorns
host = boat
hour = Power
hour = bower
hour = flower
hour = power
hour = power
hour = power
hour = power
hour = power
hour = power
hour = power
hour = power
hour = shower
hour = Power
hour = pow'r
hour = pow'r
hour = pow'r
hour = pow'r
hours = flowers
hours = powers
hours = showers
house = mouse
house = mouse
hover = lover
how = vow
howl = growl
howl = scowl
howls = owls
hue = dew
hue = blew
hue = knew
hue = rue
hues = dews
hues = lose
hues = Muse
humble = jumble
humming = thrumming
hung = tongue
hung = young
hung = young
hung = flung
hung = flung
hung = flung
hung = sprung
hung = tongue
huntress = queen
hurl'd = world
hurl'd = world
hurl'd = world
hurry = hurry
hurry = hurry
hush'd = brush'd
Hymen = climbing
I = by
I = joy
ice = vice
ill = still
ill = will
ills = pills
ills = quills
imbrown = town
immense = sense
impart = heart
impart = heart
impart = art
impart = heart
impart = heart
impart = heart
impart = heart
impart = heart
impart = heart
imparts = hearts
imparts = arts
impends = friends
impress = dress
impress'd = address'd
in it = minute
in = din
in = high-sounding
inclin'd = mind
incline = mine
incline = mine
incline = shine
increase = peace
increases = ceases
independent = on't
inflame = frame
influence = intense
influence = sense
infuse = muse
inherit = spirit
innocence = sense
inspir'd = retir'd
inspire = choir
inspire = choir
inspire = fire
inspire = fire
inspire = fire
inspire = fire
inspire = lyre
inspires = fires
inspires = fires
inspires = fires
instantaneous = spontaneous
intense = sense
intense = influence
intent = sent
intent = bent
intervene = seen
introduce = spruce
invade = laid
invade = made
invite = delight
inviting = delighting
invoke = smoke
ire = choir
ire = fire
ire = fire
ire = fire
ire = fire
ire = fire
ire = nigher
ire = fire
is = phiz
is = bliss
is = molasses
Island = and
isle = smile
it = it
it = it
it = it
it = it
it = it
it = it
it = it
it = it
it = minute
itself = shelf
jade = afraid
jade = made
Jane = explain
jaunting = galavanting
jaunts = haunts
jelly = belly
jelly = belly
jeopardize = lies
jest = supprest
jest = rest
Jew = crew
jirk = work
join = combine
join = divine
join = wine
join'd = mind
join'd = refin'd
joke = spoke
joke = spoke
joke = stroke
joke = smoke
jostle = bustle
jot = lot
jove = rove
joy = boy
joy = boy
joy = boy
joy = destroy
joy = destroy
joy = employ
joy = employ
joy = boy
Joy = boy
Joy = coy
joy = destroy
joy = buoy
joy = eye
joy = I
joy = supply
joys = boys
joys = boys
joys = boys
joys = destroys
joys = destroys
joys = boys
joys = noise
July = sty
jumble = humble
June = perfume
Juno = fumo
Just = dust
kate = elate
Kate = fate
Kate = hate
keen = scene
keen = seen
keen = clean
keen = Queen
keen = thin
keen = whim
keep = sleep
keep = sleep
keep = sleep
keeping = sleeping
keeps = sleeps
kill = will
kill'd = chill'd
kind = assign'd
kind = find
kind = find
kind = find
kind = find
kind = mind
kind = mind
kind = mind
kind = mind
King = bring
KING = sing
kiss = this
kiss = bliss
kiss = yes
kisses = blisses
kite = light
Kleeck = speak
knave = Eve
knave = grave
knee = be
knee = see
knees = these
knell = fell
knew = glee
knew = hue
knoll = pole
know = below
know = blow
know = blow
know = flow
know = flow
know = flow
know = flow
know = go
know = go
know = show
know = snow
know = toe
know = woe
know = woe
know = flow
know = grow
know = so
know = also
knowing = crowing
known = own
known = flown
known = tone
known = alone
known = own
known = renown
known = thrown
knows = woes
knows = woes
Laban = maiden
laid = bed
laid = invade
laid = spread
laid = forbade
lain = again
lake = awake
lake = slake
lance = trance
land = band
land = bland
land = stand
land = band
land = expand
land = hand
land = stand
land = withstand
lands = stands
large = charge
large = charge
l'argeat = long
l'argent = song
lark = barque
lass = glass
lass = mass
lass = pass
lasses = Parnassus
lasses = surpasses
lasses = parnassus
last = past
last = past
last = past
last = overcast
last = pass'd
last = pass'd
last = past
last = past
last = past
last = past
last = repast
last = fast
last = fast
last = past
last = past
last = vast
lasted = blasted
late = fate
late = fate
late = ate
laugh = half
laugh = quaff
lave = wave
law = draw
law = draw
law = saw
law = saw
lawn = gone
lawn = dawn
laws = cause
laws = cause
laws = cause
laws = cause
Laws = withdraws
laws = case
lay = day
lay = stray
lay = away
lay = gay
lay = stray
lay = stray
lay = away
lay = day
lay = day
lay = day
lay = day
lay = day
lay = day
lay = essay
lay = prey
lay = prey
lay = ray
lay = say
lay = spray
lay = spray
lay = away
lay = day
lays = praise
Lazy = crazy
lead = agree'd
leaf = grief
lean = scene
leap = creep
leap = steep
learn = discern
learn = turn
learn'd = seem'd
learn'd = return'd
learning = discerning
leave = bereave
leave = grave
LeClerc = Bonaparte
led = head
led = head
led = bled
led = head
ledge = edge
leer = sneer
left = bereft
left = bereft
legislature = nature
legislature = water
legs = pegs
leisure = pleasure
leisure = treasure
leisure = pleasure
lend = extend
length = strength
less = press
less = this
letter = better
letter = better
lie = fly
lie = high
lie = ply
lie = high
lie = fly
lies = jeopardize
lies = dies
lies = flies
lies = sighs
lies = pies
life = strife
life = strife
life = strife
life = wife
life = wife
life = wife
life = wife
life = strife
life = strife
life = strife
life = strife
life = strife
life = strife
life = strife
life = strife
life = strife
life = wife
life = wife
light = bright
light = bright
light = sprite
light = white
light = aright
light = bright
light = bright
light = bright
light = bright
light = excite
light = height
light = night
light = night
light = night
light = night
light = right
light = right
light = rite
light = sight
light = sight
light = sight
light = sight
light = sight
light = white
light = white
light = kite
light = night
light = night
light = sight
light = sight
light = slight
light = night
line = divine
line = divine
line = shine
line = design
lines = shines
lip = dip
lip = trip
lip = trip
lip = trip
lip = sip
lips = trips
live = arrive
lives = gives
lives = gives
lives = grieves
lives = wives
long = song
long = song
long = l'argeat
long = song
longer = stronger
look = book
look = nook
look = book
look = book
look = book
look = book
look = mistook
look = partook
look = struck
looks = books
looks = books
looks = books
loose = noose
loose = abuse
loose = news
loose = cabouse
loose = noose
Lord = afford
lore = more
lose = choose
lose = hues
lost = tossed
lost = tost
lost = tost
lost = frost
lost = tost
lot = not
lot = jot
loth = both
loud = crowd
loud = cloud
loud = cloud
loud = crowd
love = above
love = dove
love = above
love = above
love = above
love = above
love = move
love = above
love = above
love = above
LOVE = above
love = above
love = approve
Love = dove
love = Dove
LOVE = grove
love = grove
love = grove
love = above
lover = over
lover = hover
loves = doves
loving = moving
low = show
low = bow
low = you
low = blow
lower = power
lullabye = eye
lure = pure
lure = secure
lurk = work
lye = try
lyes = eyes
lying = crying
lyre = desire
lyre = choir
lyre = choir
lyre = fire
lyre = inspire
made = made
made = made
made = stray'd
made = trade
made = invade
made = play'd
made = said
made = stray'd
made = trade
made = convey'd
made = jade
made = play'd
maid = aid
maid = glade
maid = betray'd
maiden = Laban
maids = shades
maim'd = exclaim'd
main = complain
main = plain
main = again
main = Fame
main = fame
maintain = again
maintain = campaign
maintain = plain
maintain = flame
maintain = reign
maintains = contains
make = wake
maker = partaker
malady = be
man = can
man = can
man = can
man = plan
Man = began
man = began
man = began
man = divan
man = plan
mankind = find
mankind = design'd
mankind = design'd
mankind = mind
mankind = mind
mankind = blind
mankind = design'd
mankind = mind
mankind = mind
mar = bar
mar = car
Maranon = on
mares = chairs
mares = stairs
mark = bark
marr'd = guard
marr'd = regard
marrow = shallow
marry = miscarry
mass = lass
mass = class
masters = disasters
mate = fate
mate = rate
mate = elate
matter = clatter
matter = clatter
matter = clatter
May = gay
May = day
May = day
may = day
May = display
May = gay
May = gay
May = play
May = day
May = way
maze = blaze
maze = blaze
maze = displays
maze = ways
me = see
me = be
me = me
me = me
me = see
me = see
me = sigh
me = three
me = you
me = FEE
me = free
me = ye
meagre = beleager
meal = peal
meal = steal
mean = sing
mean = Thirteen
measure = pleasure
measure = pleasure
measure = pleasure
measure = pleasure
measure = pleasure
measure = pleasure
meek = seek
meet = retreat
meet = sweet
meet = complete
meet = eat
meet = feet
meet = repeat
meet = seat
meet = street
meet = sweet
meet = street
meet = Receipt
mellow = fellow
mellow = fellow
melt = felt
melt = felt
men = fame
men = flame
men = scene
men = reign
mention = attention
merry = cherry
mien = scene
mien = serene
mild = child
mild = child
mild = child
mild = child
mind = behind
mind = confin'd
mind = find
mind = refin'd
mind = undefin'd
mind = behind
mind = behind
mind = behind
mind = behind
mind = behind
mind = bind
mind = blind
mind = combin'd
mind = combin'd
mind = combin'd
mind = combin'd
mind = confin'd
mind = design'd
mind = find
mind = find
mind = find
mind = find
mind = find
mind = find
mind = inclin'd
mind = refin'd
mind = refin'd
mind = refin'd
mind = refin'd
mind = resign'd
mind = find
mind = find
mind = join'd
mind = kind
mind = kind
mind = kind
mind = kind
mind = mankind
mind = mankind
mind = confin'd
mind = design'd
mind = fiend
mind = find
mind = mankind
mind = mankind
mind = resign'd
mind = wind
minds = combines
mine = incline
mine = incline
mine = repine
mine = eighty-nine
mine = rhyme
minion = pinion
minute = in it
minute = it
minx = sphynx
mirth = earth
mirth = worth
miscarry = marry
misplac'd = taste
Miss = this
miss'd = assist
mistook = look
moan = grown
moans = tones
moans = semitones
mode = abode
mode = road
modes = abodes
molasses = is
mood = brood
mood = food
mood = good
mood = stood
mood = wood
mood = good
moon = balloon
moon = soon
more = lore
more = door
more = o'er
more = o'er
more = bore
more = bore
more = bore
more = gore
more = o'er
more = o'er
more = o'er
more = o'er
more = o'er
more = ore
more = pow'r
more = soar
more = store
more = store
more = swore
more = before
more = endure
more = floor
more = o'er
more = o'er
more = o'er
more = pour
MORE = pour
more = soar
more = tore
morn = forlorn
morn = forlorn
morn = scorn
morn = born
morn = forlorn
morn = forlorn
morn = thorn
moss = gloss
mother = bother
mother = brother
mouse = house
mouse = house
mouth = south
mov'd = proved
move = approve
move = love
move = prove
move = prove
moved = approved
moving = loving
much = crutch
munificence = pre-eminence
Muse = refuse
Muse = choose
Muse = hues
Muse = refuse
muse = views
muse = infuse
Muse = choose
myself = elf
myself = shelf
nam'd = fam'd
name = aim
name = came
name = claim
name = claim
name = fame
name = came
name = fane
name = Fane
name = flame
name = plains
name = plain
name = reign
name = theme
name = fame
name = Fame
name = fame
name = same
nap = cap
Napoleon = scene
Napoleon = seen
Nature = creature
nature = creature
nature = legislature
nature = feature
nature = paper
naught = taught
near = deer
near = fear
near = appear
near = appear
near = cheer
near = clear
near = clear
near = ear
near = ear
near = fear
near = fear
near = sneer
near = steer
near = fear
neat = sweet
neck = check
nectar = Hector
need = read
nerves = serves
nest = rest
nest = breast
never = ever
never = forever
new = crew
new = true
new = videw
new = view
new = flew
new = threw
new = through
new = view
new = crew
new = do
new = view
news = loose
news = screws
NEW-YEAR = appear
NEW-YEAR = rear
nibble = treble
nice = vice
Nick = quick
niece = peace
nigh = die
nigh = eye
nigh = sky
nigh = die
nigher = ire
night = excite
night = fright
night = light
night = light
night = light
night = light
night = right
night = sight
night = sight
night = slight
night = sight
night = delight
Night = flight
night = light
night = light
night = sight
night = sprite
night = sprite
night = write
night = flight
night = light
night = quite
night = spite
nights = delights
nine = thine
no = wo
no = ado
no = below
NO = bow
no = glow
nod = god
noise = boys
noise = boys
noise = boys
noise = boys
noise = joys
none = alone
nook = look
noon = saloon
noon = gloom
noon = gloom
noose = loose
noose = loose
nose = rose
noses = supposes
not = lot
note = remote
note = remote
note = rote
note = brought
note = float
note = throat
notes = throats
notes = throats
notes = floats
notes = throats
obey = sway
obey = clay
obey = day
obey = day
obey'd = craves
object = subject
obligation = compensation
observation = conversation
obtain = pain
obtain = vain
ocean = emotion
October = sober
o'er = more
o'er = more
o'er = shore
o'er = soul
o'er = store
o'er = door
o'er = more
o'er = more
o'er = more
o'er = more
o'er = more
o'er = pour
o'er = roar
o'er = before
o'er = before
o'er = more
o'er = more
o'er = more
o'er = shore
o'erflowing = growing
o'ergrown = unknown
o'erlaid = brocade
o'erspread = bed
o'erspreads = heads
o'erthrown = frown
o'erwhelm = realm
offence = sense
offend = attend
offend = friend
old = behold
old = cold
old = cold
old = told
old = unfold
old = behold
old = GOLD
old = told
old = bold
old = told
on = glutton
on = Maranon
on = strong
on = SUN
on = Tappen
on = come
on = gone
on = own
on = sun
on't = independent
oppres'd = blest
oppress = dress
oppress = distress
oppress'd = breast
oppress'd = rest
oration = application
ordains = reins
ore = more
original = tell
otter = butter
out = about
out = stout
out = about
out = rout
out = rout
out = without
out = about
out = about
outright = sight
outspread = dread
outspread = shed
over = lover
overcast = last
overcome = dumb
overflow = woe
overflows = foes
overthrow = blow
overthrown = shown
owes = flows
owls = howls
own = alone
own = known
own = shown
own = flown
own = gone
own = groan
own = strow'n
own = throne
own = throne
own = grown
own = known
own = on
own = throne
pac'd = plac'd
pace = place
pack = back
paid = play'd
pain = again
pain = brain
pain = brain
pain = brain
pain = disdain
pain = rain
pain = remain
pain = strain
pain = strain
pain = swain
pain = train
pain = vain
pain = vain
pain = vain
pain = vein
pain = again
pain = complain
pain = gain
pain = obtain
pain = restrain
pain = vain
pain = again
pain = vain
pains = brains
pains = remains
pains = swains
paint = saint
pair = fair
pair = air
pair = Fair
pale = assail
pale = vale
paper = caper
paper = wafer
paper = nature
Parnassus = lasses
parnassus = lasses
part = heart
part = heart
part = dart
part = heart
part = heart
part = heart
part = heart
part = heart
part = heart
part = art
part = heart
partake = awake
partaker = maker
parties = hearties
partook = look
pass = glass
pass = lass
pass = glass
pass'd = blast
pass'd = last
pass'd = last
passion = relation
past = last
past = last
past = last
past = fast
past = fast
past = last
past = last
past = last
past = last
past = blast
past = last
past = last
Pat = hat
path = bath
patronize = eyes
pay = play
pay = day
pay = day
pea = thee
peace = cease
peace = bliss
peace = bliss
peace = bliss
peace = bliss
peace = bliss
peace = bliss
peace = cease
peace = cease
peace = increase
peace = niece
peace = please
peace = bliss
peace = cease
peace = cease
peace = encrease
peal = feel
peal = meal
pearls = curls
peg = beg
pegs = legs
pelf = elf
pell-mell = fell
pen = then
pent = vent
people = tipple
perceive = receive
perceive = greive
perfume = bloom
perfume = bloom
perfume = bloom
perfume = bloom
perfume = bloom
perfume = bloom
perfume = June
perfume = room
perhaps = relapse
perplex = vex
pervade = upbraid
pervades = shades
pest = behest
pest = vest
pest = crest
phiz = is
phys = quiz
pick = beak
pies = lies
pig = big
piled = wild
pills = ills
pine = climb
pinion = minion
pipe = ripe
pirouette = forget
pitty = witty
pity = ditty
plac'd = disgrac'd
plac'd = grac'd
plac'd = trac'd
plac'd = grac'd
plac'd = pac'd
plac'd = haste
plac'd = taste
place = grace
place = face
place = face
place = grace
place = grace
place = race
place = race
place = face
place = face
place = face
place = grace
place = pace
place = trace
place = disgrace
place = face
place = face
place = trace
placed = faced
plain = reign
plain = gain
plain = maintain
plain = again
plain = again
plain = main
plain = name
plain = reign
plain = reign
plain = shame
plain = slain
plain = strain
plain = swain
plain = swain
plain = train
plain = train
plain = train
plain = again
plain = fame
plain = reign
plain = slain
plain = train
plains = rains
plains = name
plains = proclaims
plains = swains
plains = swains
plains = swains
plan = man
plan = man
planned = scann'd
plant = WANT
plate = weight
play = day
play = spray
play = stay
play = stay
play = away
play = away
play = away
play = away
play = away
play = day
play = day
play = pay
play = ray
play = way
play = away
play = day
play = day
play = day
play = hay
play = May
play = way
play = away
play = away
play = ray
play = say
play'd = array'd
play'd = afraid
play'd = paid
play'd = stay'd
play'd = made
play'd = shade
play'd = made
plays = rays
plea = he
please = eases
please = these
please = cheese
please = ease
please = ease
please = fees
please = peace
please = squeeze
please = trees
please = fees
pleasure = measure
pleasure = measure
pleasure = leisure
pleasure = measure
pleasure = measure
pleasure = measure
pleasure = leisure
pleasure = measure
plenty = empty
plow = prow
ply = die
ply = lie
pocket = rocket
poem = 'em
pole = knoll
pole = roll
poloneze = chammeze
pomp = romp
pond = fond
pool = cool
pool = cool
poor = cure
portray = way
possess = confess
possess'd = breast
possest = carest
post = ghost
pother = brother
pour = o'er
pour = more
pour = MORE
pour = shore
pour = uproar
pour = uproar
pour'd = aboard
pours = shores
power = cower
power = flower
Power = hour
power = hour
power = hour
power = hour
power = hour
power = hour
power = hour
power = hour
power = hour
power = lower
power = shower
power = shower
power = shower
Power = hour
powers = flowers
powers = flowers
powers = hours
pow'r = hour
pow'r = hour
pow'r = more
pow'r = hour
pow'r = hour
praise = days
praise = raise
praise = raise
praise = raise
praise = lays
praise = raise
pranks = banks
prate = state
prattle = tattle
pray = away
pray = they
prayer = air
prayer = there
prayer = care
prayer = declare
pray'r = there
preach = teach
precision = Elysian
pre-eminence = munificence
prepar'd = rear'd
prepar'd = spared
prescribe = gibe
preside = glide
presided = bestrided
press = distress
press = less
press = recess
press = yes
press = Yes
press = bless
press = guess
press'd = bless'd
press'd = breast
press'd = breast
prest = blest
prest = breast
pretty = ditty
prevail = stale
prevail = tale
prevail = scale
prevail = tale
prevents = cents
prey = away
prey = day
prey = day
prey = lay
prey = lay
prey = way
prey = day
prey = fray
prey = sway
prey = way
pride = aside
pride = aside
pride = decide
pride = deride
pride = wide
pride = beside
pride = bride
pride = side
pride = died
pride = reside
pries = cries
Prim = chin
prime = sublime
prise = skies
prize = eyes
prize = eyes
prize = eyes
prize = rise
prize = rise
prize = wise
proceed = agreed
proclaims = plains
profound = abound
profound = around
profound = sound
profound = sound
profound = sound
prolong = belong
promoters = voters
pronounce = renounce
propos'd = disclos'd
proud = crowd
prove = move
prove = move
proved = mov'd
provok'd = soak'd
prow = plow
pure = lure
pure = allure
pure = endure
pure = secure
pure = sure
pure = ensure
purity = futurity
pursue = true
pursue = view
pursue = view
pursued = ensued
pursued = renew'd
pursued = rude
pushing = cushion
put = foot
quaff = laugh
quaff = calf
quaff'd = draught
queen = huntress
Queen = screen
queen = seen
Queen = been
Queen = keen
Queen = deem
queen = sixteen
quick = Nick
quiet = riot
quiet = riot
quills = ills
quite = bright
quite = delight
quite = sight
quite = night
quiz = phys
quote = rote
race = grace
race = place
race = place
race = space
race = face
race = face
race = face
race = disgrace
rage = age
rage = age
rage = age
rage = assuage
rage = cage
rage = stage
rage = engage
rags. = fegs
rain = pain
rain = vain
rain = domain
rains = plains
rais'd = gaz'd
raise = days
raise = praise
raise = praise
raise = praise
raise = praise
rang = sprang
rang'd = chang'd
range = strange
rate = mate
rattle = battle
rattle = tattle
raves = waves
ray = allay
ray = day
ray = day
ray = say
ray = away
ray = away
ray = day
ray = play
ray = way
ray = day
ray = day
ray = day
ray = lay
ray = way
ray = play
rays = plays
rays = blase
rays = blaze
rays = blaze
reach = screech
reach = teach
read = need
ready = steady
reality = see
realm = o'erwhelm
rear = hear
rear = NEW-YEAR
rear = Fear
rear'd = cheer'd
rear'd = prepar'd
rear'd = appear'd
rebel = well
rebound = ground
Receipt = meet
receive = perceive
receive = disbelieve
recent = decent
recess = press
red = head
red = said
refin'd = mind
refin'd = combin'd
refin'd = mind
refin'd = mind
refin'd = mind
refin'd = mind
refin'd = join'd
refined = designed
refus'd = abus'd
refuse = choose
refuse = Muse
refuse = Muse
regain = chain
regard = bard
regard = hard
regard = marr'd
regard = reward
regarded = discarded
regret = forget
rehers'd = vast
reign = plain
reign = remain
reign = domain
reign = name
reign = plain
reign = plain
reign = maintain
reign = men
reign = plain
reign = remain
reign = Spain
reign = train
reigns = reins
rein = complain
rein = gain
rein = remain
rein-deer = appear
reins = ordains
reins = reigns
reins = domains
rejoice = voice
rejoice = choice
rejoice = voice
rejoice = voice
rejoice = voice
relapse = perhaps
relate = fate
related = elated
related = stated
relation = passion
release = disease
relief = grief
relief = grief
remain = reign
remain = complain
remain = pain
remain = vain
remain = vain
remain = fame
remain = reign
remain = rein
remains = complains
remains = pains
remains = swains
remember = December
remote = note
remote = note
renew = few
renew'd = pursued
renew'd = view'd
renounce = pronounce
renown = down
renown = down
renown = known
renown'd = crown'd
renown'd = crown'd
repair = air
repair = care
repast = last
repast = haste
repay = away
repeat = meet
repeat = eat
repented = consented
repine = mine
replied = cried
reply = eye
repose = foes
repose = rose
repose = snows
repose = arose
repose = chose
repose = goes
repose = rose
repose = rose
repose = rose
repose = arose
repress = dress
repress'd = address'd
request = rest
requir'd = tir'd
requir'd = desired
require = desire
required = desired
reserve = serve
reside = beside
reside = pride
resides = hides
resides = abides
resign = thine
resign = wine
resign'd = mind
resign'd = find
resign'd = mind
resolv'd = dissolv'd
resort = sport
resound = found
resound = round
resound = around
resound = ground
resound = ground
respect = correct
respected = erected
rest = blest
rest = blest
rest = blest
rest = breast
rest = breast
rest = breast
rest = breast
rest = breast
rest = depress'd
rest = oppress'd
rest = request
rest = test
rest = zest
rest = breast
rest = breast
rest = nest
rest = best
rest = jest
restrain = again
restrain = vein
restrain = pain
rests = breasts
retard = guard
retir'd = inspir'd
retire = fire
retire = fire
retires = aspires
retires = expires
retires = fires
retires = fires
retires = fires
retreat = meet
retreat = greet
retreat = fate
return'd = learn'd
returning = burning
returning = burning
returns = burns
reveal'd = conceal'd
revelry = glee
revere = tear
review = blue
review = crew
reward = regard
Rheses = us
Rhine = wine
rhyme = mine
rhyme = time
ride = wide
rigamarole = Seminole
rigamarole = whole
right = appetite
right = bright
right = excite
right = fight
right = light
right = light
right = night
right = slight
right = white
rill = hill
rills = hills
rills = hills
ringing = singing
rings = strings
riot = quiet
riot = quiet
ripe = pipe
rise = skies
rise = skies
rise = skies
rise = tries
rise = despise
rise = eyes
rise = eyes
rise = eyes
rise = eyes
rise = eyes
rise = eyes
rise = eyes
rise = flies
rise = flies
rise = flies
rise = harmonize
rise = prize
rise = skies
rise = skies
rise = skies
rise = skies
rise = skies
rise = ties
rise = tries
rise = wise
rise = eyes
rise = prize
rise = skies
rise = dies
rise = skies
rise = skies
rise = skies
rite = light
road = abode
road = abode
road = mode
road = strow'd
road = strow'd
road = abode
roam = dome
roam = dome
roam = home
roam = home
roam = home
roam = home
roam = home
roam = home
roam = dome
roams = groans
roar = shore
roar = shore
roar = door
roar = o'er
roar = explore
roar = shore
rocket = pocket
rode = flow'd
roll = soul
roll = soul
roll = pole
roll = soul
roll'd = hold
rome = home
romp = pomp
roof = hoof
room = gloom
room = tomb
room = flown
room = fun
room = perfume
rose = disclose
rose = repose
rose = woes
rose = woes
rose = woes
rose = nose
rose = arose
rose = chose
rose = discompose
rose = foes
rose = glows
rose = repose
rose = repose
rose = repose
Rose = disclose
rose = goes
Rose = shows
rote = note
rote = quote
rough = gruff
round = confound
round = found
round = sound
round = sound
round = bound
round = bound
round = bound
round = bound
round = bound
round = confound
round = drown'd
round = found
round = found
round = found
round = found
round = resound
round = sound
round = sound
round = wound
round = found
round = found
round = ground
round = found
rout = about
rout = out
rout = out
rout = about
rove = jove
rove = grove
row = grow
rows = disclose
rude = pursued
rude = withstood
rue = hue
ruin = wooing
rule = cool
rule = school
rules = fools
rum = come
rump = bump
run = fun
run = sun
run = begun
run = sun
run = undone
run = fun
run = gun
run = sun
rung = sung
rush = blush
sad = glad
sad = clad
sage = age
sage = stage
said = dread
said = dread
said = head
said = red
said = made
said = convey'd
said = head
said = spread
said = trade
sail = hail
sail = gale
sails = gales
sails = gales
saint = paint
saloon = noon
same = frame
same = again
same = name
sand = hand
sang = twang
sang = hang
sash = flash
sat = cat
satisfaction = action
satisfy = skies
save = grave
save = slave
save = wave
saw = law
saw = law
say = day
say = ray
say = away
say = away
say = day
say = gay
say = gay
say = betray
say = day
say = day
say = lay
say = play
scale = prevail
scann'd = planned
scar = air
scarlet = varlet
scene = lean
scene = between
scene = green
scene = green
scene = green
scene = green
scene = green
scene = green
scene = green
scene = keen
scene = mien
scene = serene
scene = serene
scene = BEEN
scene = gleam
scene = men
scene = gleam
scene = Napoleon
scene = spleen
scenes = dreams
school = rule
science = alliance
Science = alliance
scold = cold
scolding = unfolding
scope = hope
scorn = born
scorn = morn
scorn = forlorn
scorn = forlorn
scowl = howl
scratch = watch
screaming = dreaming
screams = dreams
screech = reach
screen = Queen
Screw = threw
screws = news
sea = be
sea = free
seat = meet
seat = sweet
secure = allure
secure = endure
secure = endure
secure = endure
secure = endure
secure = endure
secure = lure
secure = pure
secure = sure
see = bee
see = glee
see = glee
see = he
see = me
see = tree
see = bee
see = me
see = me
see = thee
see = be
see = knee
see = reality
seek = weak
seek = Greek
seek = meek
seeking = speaking
seem = dream
seem'd = learn'd
seem'd = beam'd
seem'd = beam'd
seem'd = beam'd
seem'd = deem'd
seem'd = gleam'd
seem'd = teem'd
seems = beams
seen = green
seen = intervene
seen = keen
seen = queen
seen = beam
seen = green
seen = stream
seen = stream
seen = stream
seen = Napoleon
select = detect
Seminole = rigamarole
semitones = moans
send = friend
send = friend
send = friend
send = attend
send = friend
send = friend
send = friend
send = friend
sends = ends
sense = intense
sense = influence
sense = offence
sense = innocence
sense = immense
sent = intent
sent = went
serene = scene
serene = scene
serene = spleen
serene = mien
serene = within
serve = reserve
serves = nerves
Seven = driven
sex = vex
sex = vex
shade = fade
shade = strayed
shade = play'd
shades = maids
shades = pervades
shallow = marrow
shame = blame
shame = bane
shame = plain
shanks = thanks
shar'd = car'd
share = care
share = bear
share = bear
share = glare
share = there
she = be
she = he
shed = bed
shed = dread
shed = head
shed = head
shed = outspread
sheet = feet
shelf = itself
shelf = myself
shell = farewell
shilling = willing
shine = divine
shine = entwine
shine = combine
shine = combine
shine = devine
shine = divine
shine = incline
shine = divine
shine = line
shine = Valentine
shines = lines
shines = sublime
shiv'r = clev'r
shoar = before
shock = broke
shone = sun
shone = throne
shone = thrown
shore = o'er
shore = roar
shore = roar
shore = bore
shore = door
shore = o'er
shore = pour
shore = roar
shores = explores
shores = pours
show = flow
show = flow
show = foe
show = glow
show = glow
show = glow
show = know
show = low
show = bestow
shower = flower
shower = hour
shower = power
shower = power
shower = power
showers = bowers
showers = flowers
showers = flowers
showers = flowers
showers = hours
shown = alone
shown = alone
shown = alone
shown = ensued
shown = flown
shown = own
shown = tone
shown = overthrown
shows = goes
shows = Rose
shun = gun
sick = trick
side = chide
side = died
side = wide
side = glide
side = pride
side = cried
sides = glides
sigh = cry
sigh = delight
sigh = fly
sigh = fly
sigh = high
sigh = high
sigh = me
sigh'd = cry'd
sigh'd = dy'd
sighs = eyes
sighs = eyes
sighs = lies
sight = blight
sight = bright
sight = delight
sight = delight
sight = light
sight = light
sight = light
sight = light
sight = light
sight = night
sight = night
sight = outright
sight = quite
sight = tight
sight = wight
sight = night
sight = height
sight = light
sight = light
sight = night
sight = flight
sign = fine
Silenus = Venus
simper = whimper
sin = within
sin = gin
sincere = tear
sing = Spring
sing = Spring
sing = thing
sing = KING
sing = mean
singing = ringing
sings = springs
sings = wings
sink = drink
sinners = dinners
sip = lip
sittest = hittest
sitting = fitting
Six = Styx
sixteen = queen
skein = brain
skies = arise
skies = rise
skies = rise
skies = rise
skies = eyes
skies = eyes
skies = eyes
skies = eyes
skies = guise
skies = rise
skies = rise
skies = rise
skies = rise
skies = rise
skies = arise
skies = arise
skies = arise
skies = eyes
skies = eyes
skies = eyes
skies = flies
skies = prise
skies = rise
skies = satisfy
skies = arise
skies = eyes
skies = rise
skies = rise
skies = rise
skill = still
skill = distill
skill = fulfil
skill = will
skill'd = drill'd
skin = agrin
skull = dull
sky = high
sky = by
sky = die
sky = eye
sky = eye
sky = eye
sky = eye
sky = eye
sky = fly
sky = fly
sky = high
sky = high
sky = nigh
sky = eye
sky = fly
sky = fly
sky = high
slain = plain
slain = plain
slake = lake
slave = save
slave = have
slaves = waves
slay = spray
sleep = deep
sleep = deep
sleep = deep
sleep = keep
sleep = keep
sleep = keep
sleep = deep
sleeping = keeping
sleeps = keeps
slight = night
slight = right
slight = light
slow = blow
slow = go
slow = below
small = hall
smart = heart
smart = heart
smart = heart
smil'd = beguil'd
smil'd = child
smile = guile
smile = isle
smile = beguile
smile = while
smile = while
smile = while
smile = toil
smile = while
smile = while
smile = awhile
smiled = beguiled
smoke = invoke
smoke = joke
snatch = catch
sneer = leer
sneer = near
snow = below
snow = woe
snow = bestow
snow = blow
snow = blow
snow = bow
snow = glow
snow = know
snow = below
snow = bow
snow = blow
snow = glow
snow = go
snow = woe
snows = repose
so = beau
so = forego
so = go
so = know
so = trow
soak'd = provok'd
soar = more
soar = more
sober = October
son = done
song = along
song = long
song = belong
song = long
song = throng
song = throng
song = throng
song = throng
song = throng
song = wrong
song = along
song = l'argent
song = wrong
song = long
song = throng
soon = moon
soon = tune
soon = doom
soot = foot
sort = extort
sought = bought
sought = caught
sought = thought
sought = thought
soul = whole
soul = bowl
soul = bowl
soul = bowl
soul = bowl
soul = bowl
soul = control
soul = control
soul = control
soul = o'er
soul = roll
soul = roll
soul = control
soul = controul
soul = controul
soul = roll
sound = around
sound = round
sound = round
sound = around
sound = found
sound = found
sound = round
sound = round
sound = around
sound = around
sound = bound
sound = found
sound = found
sound = profound
sound = profound
sound = profound
sound = wound
sound = around
sound = ground
south = mouth
space = face
space = race
spade = trade
Spain = game
Spain = reign
Spain = vain
spare = fair
spare = FAIR
spare = hair
spare = there
spared = prepar'd
spatter = clatter
speak = cheek
speak = cheek
speak = squeak
speak = squeak
speak = Kleeck
speaking = seeking
sped = fled
spell = dwell
spell = well
spent = vent
spent = tent
spent = went
sphere = here
sphere = year
sphynx = minx
spires = fires
spirit = inherit
spit = wit
spite = by't
spite = night
spleen = serene
spleen = scene
spoke = joke
spoke = stroke
spoke = joke
spontaneous = instantaneous
sport = resort
sporting = courting
spouse = arouse
sprang = rang
spray = decay
spray = play
spray = lay
spray = lay
spray = slay
spread = head
spread = tread
spread = laid
spread = head
spread = said
Spring = wing
Spring = sing
Spring = sing
spring = wing
spring = wing
spring = wing
Spring = bring
spring = wing
springs = sings
springs = things
springs = things
springs = things
springs = things
sprite = light
Sprite = delight
sprite = night
sprite = night
spruce = introduce
sprung = hung
spy = eye
squeak = speak
squeak = speak
squeeze = please
stable = able
staff = calf
stage = age
stage = rage
stage = sage
stain = strain
stain = champaign
stain = deign
stain = vain
stain = vain
stairs = mares
stale = prevail
stalk = walk
stall = call
stand = hand
stand = hand
stand = land
stand = hand
stand = land
standing = handling
stands = lands
star = ear
star = far
star = despair
star = war
stare = everywhere
stare = air
stare = air
start = depart
state = await
state = elate
state = hate
state = prate
state = weight
state = gate
state = hate
stated = related
stay = away
stay = play
stay = play
stay = away
stay = away
stay = day
stay = way
stay = away
stay = away
stay = way
stay'd = play'd
stead = fled
stead = fled
stead = head
stead = dead
steady = ready
steal = feel
steal = conceal
steal = meal
stealth = health
steel = feel
steep = leap
steer = near
steers = fears
stern = turn
still = hill
still = skill
still = fulfil
still = fulfil
still = ill
still = will
still = will
still = fill
sting = wing
stirr'd = heard
stitched = enriched
stock = Hock
stole = control
stole = goal
stone = alone
stood = mood
stood = flood
stood = flood
stood = good
stood = wood
stood = blood
stood = blood
stood = blood
stood = flood
stood = food
stood = gratitude
stop = top
store = door
store = before
store = o'er
store = bore
store = more
store = more
stored = board
storm = form
storm = warm
storm = warm
storms = forms
storms = forms
story = glory
story = glory
stout = out
strain = stain
strain = vain
strain = again
strain = pain
strain = pain
strain = swain
strain = swain
strain = vain
strain = dame
strain = plain
strains = brains
strains = veins
strange = change
strange = range
strange = change
stray = away
stray = lay
stray = way
stray = away
stray = day
stray = lay
stray = lay
stray = way
stray'd = made
stray'd = made
strayed = shade
strays = displays
strays = gaze
stream = beam
stream = gleam
stream = seen
stream = seen
stream = seen
stream = unseen
stream = gleam
street = sweet
street = meet
street = meet
street = sweet
streets = fleets
strength = length
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strife = life
strike = alike
string = bring
strings = rings
strive = alive
stroke = broke
stroke = spoke
stroke = joke
strong = belong
strong = on
stronger = longer
strow'd = road
strow'd = road
strow'n = own
struck = look
strumpet = trumpet
stun = gun
sty = July
sty = deny
Styx = Six
subject = object
sublime = prime
sublime = time
sublime = design
sublime = divine
sublime = shines
sublime = TIME
sue = you
suit = flute
suit = boot
sun = run
sun = run
sun = come
SUN = on
sun = shone
sun = on
sun = run
sun = won
sung = rung
sung = upon
sung = young
supparsen = grahn
supplied = died
supply = eye
supply = eye
supply = high
supply = joy
supposes = noses
supprest = jest
supprest = breast
sure = allure
sure = pure
sure = cure
sure = cure
sure = secure
surpasses = lasses
surprise = eyes
surprise = eyes
surprise = eyes
surround = ground
survive = alive
suspend = end
suspended = ascended
swain = pain
swain = strain
swain = strain
swain = again
swain = plain
swain = plain
swains = pains
swains = plains
swains = plains
swains = remains
swains = plains
sway = away
sway = obey
sway = day
sway = day
sway = prey
swear = were
sweet = beat
sweet = feet
sweet = feet
sweet = meet
sweet = street
sweet = feet
sweet = meet
sweet = seat
sweet = heat
sweet = street
sweet = feet
sweet = neat
sweeter = twitter
swell = dwell
swell = farewell
swell = hell
swell = well
swill = will
swore = more
Syne = time
tail = assail
taint = faint
take = wake
take = awake
taken = forsaken
tale = prevail
tale = prevail
tales = fails
talking = walking
tame = aim
Tappen = on
task = ask
t'assuage = age
taste = haste
taste = haste
taste = misplac'd
taste = waste
taste = waste
taste = waste
taste = haste
taste = plac'd
tattle = rattle
tattle = prattle
taught = naught
taught = thought
taunt = vaunt
tea = ennui
tea = free
teach = each
teach = preach
teach = reach
tear = appear
tear = career
tear = dear
tear = ear
tear = revere
tear = year
tear = bier
tear = dear
tear = here
tear = sincere
tears = years
tears = fears
tears = fears
tears = years
teem'd = dream'd
teem'd = seem'd
teeth = beneath
teeth = wreath
tell = dwell
tell = dwell
tell = dwell
tell = dwell
tell = original
tell = unwell
tell = well
tend = depend
tend = end
tend = friend
tent = spent
terrors = fervors
test = rest
tether = t'other
thanks = shanks
that = cravat
thee = pea
thee = felicity
thee = see
theirs = cares
them = them
them = them
them = them
them = them
theme = name
theme = dream
themes = dreams
then = den
then = pen
there = prayer
there = air
there = chair
there = care
there = care
there = care
there = hair
there = pray'r
there = spare
there = bear
there = declare
there = Despair
there = here
there = share
these = please
these = knees
they = pray
thick = Dick
thickens = chickens
thin = keen
thine = resign
thine = nine
thine = valentine
thine = wine
thine = time
thing = sing
thing = wing
thing = wing
things = springs
things = springs
things = springs
things = springs
things = brings
think = wink
think = drink
thinking = drinking
thirst = first
Thirteen = mean
this = abyss
this = bliss
this = bliss
this = bliss
this = kiss
this = bliss
this = less
this = Miss
thistle = whistle
thorax = vorax
thorn = morn
thorns = adorns
thou = vow
thought = caught
thought = fraught
thought = caught
thought = fraught
thought = fraught
thought = fraught
thought = sought
thought = sought
thought = taught
three = be
three = me
threw = crew
threw = grew
threw = new
threw = Screw
thro' = drew
thro = flew
'thro = blow
throat = note
throats = notes
throats = notes
throats = notes
Throne = unknown
throne = own
throne = own
throne = shone
throne = home
throne = own
throng = along
throng = song
throng = song
throng = song
throng = song
throng = song
throng = wrong
throng = wrong
throng = wrong
throng = along
throng = along
throng = along
throng = wrong
throng = song
through = view
through = new
throw = bow
thrown = flown
thrown = known
thrown = shone
thrumming = humming
thunder = under
thunder = wonder
thyself = elf
tide = abide
tide = glide
tide = glide
tide = wide
tide = aside
tide = beside
tides = glides
ties = rise
tight = sight
tight = bright
Time = clime
time = chime
time = clime
time = crime
time = sublime
time = combine
time = Syne
time = thine
time = rhyme
TIME = sublime
times = climes
tipple = people
tir'd = requir'd
tit-bit = fit
toe = know
toes = beaux
together = feather
together = whether
together = feather
together = feather
together = feather
together = weather
toil = Boyle
toil = smile
told = gold
told = old
told = old
told = unfold
told = gold
told = old
tomb = bloom
tomb = assume
tomb = bloom
tomb = room
tomb = doom
tomb = gloom
tomb = gone
tomb = gloom
ton = wrong
tone = alone
tone = known
tone = shown
tones = moans
tongue = hung
tongue = unsung
tongue = young
tongue = hung
tongue = among
too = grew
too = true
too = view
too = view
too = view
too = you
too = flew
too = view
too = true
too = true
took = book
took = book
top = stop
tore = more
tossed = lost
tost = lost
tost = lost
tost = lost
t'other = tether
town = down
town = imbrown
town = down
town = gown
toy = employ
trac'd = grac'd
trac'd = effac'd
trac'd = plac'd
trace = place
trace = face
trace = place
track = back
trade = made
trade = afraid
trade = made
trade = spade
trade = said
train = again
train = brain
train = domain
train = pain
train = vain
train = plain
train = plain
train = plain
train = vain
train = came
train = plain
train = reign
train = vain
train'd = attain'd
trance = lance
transcending = blending
transcending = blending
tread = dread
tread = dread
tread = spread
treasure = leisure
treat = eat
treat = eat
treble = nibble
tree = free
tree = see
tree = decree
tree = free
trees = breeze
trees = breeze
trees = breeze
trees = please
trick = sick
tried = hide
tries = rise
tries = rise
trip = lip
trip = lip
trip = lip
trips = lips
trod = God
troop = group
trow = so
true = you
true = do
true = flew
true = new
true = pursue
true = too
true = view
true = view
true = view
true = view
true = view
true = you
True = due
true = too
true = too
true = view
true = you
trumpet = strumpet
trust = dust
truth = youth
truth = youth
truth = youth
truth = youth
truth = youth
truth = youth
Truth = youth
truth = youth
truth = youth
truth = youth
truths = youths
try = lye
trying = flying
tune = soon
tune = gloom
turn = burn
turn = discern
turn = learn
turn = stern
turn = burn'd
turn = burn
turn = burn
turning = churning
twang = sang
twirl = girl
twist = fist
twitch = witch
twitter = sweeter
two = who
unadorn'd = forlorn
unanneal'd = conceal'd
unattended = unbefriended
unbefriended = unattended
unbend = descend
unbend = descend
unchang'd = estrang'd
unclean = empyrean
undefin'd = mind
under = thunder
understand = hand
undone = run
undone = gun
unfledg'd = alleg'd
unfold = behold
unfold = hold
unfold = old
unfold = told
unfold = gold
unfold = hold
unfolding = scolding
unfurl'd = world
unites = delights
unknown = Throne
unknown = o'ergrown
unknown = flown
unseen = stream
unsung = tongue
untried = descried
unwell = tell
up = cup
upbraid = pervade
upon = sung
uprear'd = appear'd
uproar = pour
uproar = pour
upsent = bespent
urn = burn
us = Rheses
us = us
us = us
us'd = abus'd
utter = butter
vagaries = fairies
vain = strain
vain = attain
vain = brain
vain = chain
vain = champaigne
vain = complain
vain = pain
vain = pain
vain = pain
vain = rain
vain = remain
vain = remain
vain = stain
vain = stain
vain = strain
vain = train
vain = pain
vain = train
vain = fame
vain = obtain
vain = pain
vain = Spain
vain = train
vale = exhale
vale = pale
valentine = thine
Valentine = shine
vales = gales
vales = gales
vales = gales
varlet = scarlet
vast = blast
vast = last
vast = rehers'd
vaunt = taunt
veil = assail
vein = pain
vein = restrain
vein = frame
veins = chains
veins = chains
veins = strains
vent = pent
vent = spent
Venus = Silenus
verbose = dose
Vermont = want
vest = pest
vex = perplex
vex = sex
vex = sex
vice = ice
vice = nice
videw = new
vie = dye
view = blew
view = adieu
view = few
view = flew
view = new
view = pursue
view = pursue
view = through
view = too
view = too
view = too
view = true
view = true
view = true
view = true
view = true
view = new
view = too
view = you
view = you
view = adieu
view = crew
view = new
view = true
view'd = renew'd
views = muse
Vixen = Blixem
voice = choice
voice = rejoice
voice = rejoice
voice = rejoice
voice = rejoice
vorax = thorax
voters = promoters
vow = how
vow = thou
vows = brows
vows = vows
vows = vows
wafer = paper
wait = elevate
wait = estate
wait = estate
wait = abate
wait = fate
Waite = Fate
wake = take
wake = make
walk = stalk
walking = talking
wall = all
walls = calls
want = grant
WANT = plant
want = Vermont
wanting = chanting
war = afar
war = ear
war = car
war = star
warm = form
warm = form
warm = storm
warm = storm
warms = arms
warms = forms
wars = cigars
waste = taste
waste = taste
waste = taste
watch = scratch
water = legislature
waterfall = all
waters = daughters
wave = gave
wave = grave
wave = save
wave = lave
waves = raves
waves = slaves
way = day
way = stray
way = allay
way = day
way = delay
way = gay
way = gay
way = play
way = portray
way = ray
way = stay
way = stray
way = day
way = day
way = day
way = day
way = delay
way = gray
way = play
way = prey
way = ray
way = array
way = day
way = day
way = day
way = day
way = dismay
way = May
way = prey
way = stay
ways = maze
ways = days
weak = seek
weak = cheek
weak = break
wealth = health
wealth = health
wealth = health
wealth = health
weather = together
weight = state
weight = plate
welkin = wellcome
well = dwell
well = dwell
well = rebel
well = spell
well = hell
well = hell
well = swell
well = tell
wellcome = welkin
went = sent
went = discontent
went = spent
were = swear
wheel = feel
wheels = yields
whether = together
while = smile
while = smile
while = smile
while = smile
while = smile
whim = keen
whimper = simper
whistle = thistle
white = light
white = bright
white = light
white = light
white = right
who = two
whole = soul
whole = rigamarole
why = eye
wickedness = distress
wide = pride
wide = ride
wide = side
wide = tide
wife = life
wife = life
wife = life
wife = life
wife = life
wife = life
wight = sight
wild = piled
wild = child
wild = child
wild = child
wild = child
wiles = beguiles
will = fill
will = ill
will = skill
will = still
will = bill
will = kill
will = still
will = swill
willing = shilling
wind = confin'd
wind = find
wind = mind
winds = finds
wine = resign
wine = Rhine
wine = thine
wine = dine
wine = join
wing = Spring
wing = fling
wing = spring
wing = spring
wing = spring
wing = thing
wing = spring
wing = thing
wing = sting
wings = sings
wink = think
winning = grinning
wise = eyes
wise = rise
wise = despise
wise = prize
wish = dish
wishes = blisses
wit = cit
wit = emit
wit = hit
wit = spit
wit = bit
witch = twitch
withdraws = Laws
withhold = bold
within = sin
within = begin
within = serene
without = out
withstand = land
withstood = rude
witty = pitty
wives = lives
wo = blow
wo = flow
wo = go
wo = go
wo = grow
wo = no
woe = snow
woe = blow
woe = flow
woe = forego
woe = know
woe = know
woe = below
woe = go
woe = blow
woe = overflow
woe = snow
woes = knows
woes = rose
woes = rose
woes = rose
woes = arose
woes = knows
won = sun
wonder = thunder
wood = mood
wood = flood
wood = food
wood = good
wood = stood
wood = food
woods = floods
woods = goods
wooing = cooing
wooing = ruin
word = absurd
word = deferr'd
word = double-curd
word = double-curd
word = guard
work = lurk
work = jirk
world = curl'd
world = hurl'd
world = unfurl'd
world = hurl'd
world = hurl'd
worn = borne
worst = curst
worth = earth
worth = earth
worth = earth
worth = earth
worth = mirth
wound = bound
wound = round
wound = sound
wound = ground
wreath = teeth
wreathes = breathes
Writ = flit
write = night
writes = bites
wrong = song
wrong = throng
wrong = throng
wrong = throng
wrong = song
wrong = throng
wrong = ton
ye = me
year = dear
year = dear
year = drear
year = ear
year = appear
year = dear
year = tear
Year = appear
year = cheer
YEAR = dare
year = declare
year = sphere
year = appear
year = appear
year = career
year = care
year = ear
year = fear
year = forbear
years = cheers
years = tears
years = tears
yell = fell
yes = bless
yes = dress
yes = kiss
yes = press
Yes = press
yet = get
yield = field
yield = field
yield = field
yield = field
yield = field
yield = field
yield = field
yield = field
yield = field
yields = wheels
you = true
you = drew
you = too
you = do
you = few
you = low
you = me
you = true
you = view
you = view
you = blue
you = do
you = due
you = sue
you = true
you = you
you = you
young = hung
young = hung
young = tongue
young = sung
youth = truth
youth = truth
youth = forsooth
youth = truth
youth = truth
youth = truth
youth = truth
youth = Truth
youth = truth
youth = truth
youth = truth
youths = truths
zest = breast
zest = rest
zest = best