In that ecstatic, joyous day,
When all the nations shall obey
Messiah! the anointed King!
And never ceasing tribute bring.
Then PEACE shall dwell in ev'ry street,
And Brethren, none but brethren meet:
Love - lovliest attribute divine,
In ev'ry face resplendant shine.
The passions! that deform the soul,
And with destructive sway controul;
Will then be all forever fled,
And LOVE - the monarch in their stead.
The brute Creation all around,
Shall with 'th endearing cord be bound.
Sweet Mildness, universal reign,
Nor scenes of slaughter shock the plain.
The sanguinary Wolf no more,
Shall riot in the lambkin's gore:
But the same lawn, or nodding wood,
Behold them peaceful, crop their food.
The lion, tyrant of the field;
To the soft influence, too must yield;
He, urg'd by friendships gentle call
Will with the Bullock seek the stall.
The valiant child, with safety then,
May play within the serpents den:
The Hydra inoffensive lies,
Nor at the young intruder flies.
Lions blest walls shall comprehend,
And in one mass, the nations blend;
Love - will each rising wave compose,
And sooth to peace, the bitterest foes.
Nor Death shall ever there destroy;
Nor Sin - intrude to marr the joy.
But all! one radiant scene afford!
A Mountain holy to the Lord