Henry's ancestors were politicians, ministers and soldiers. His great grandfather,
Robert Livingston, the first Lord of Livingston Manor, was Scottish and, through
Robert, Henry descended from a noble line that came down through Robert the Bruce,
King of Scotland. Robert's father, Reverend John Livingstone, was one of the most
famous Scottish ministers. John's great-great grandfather had been Sir William Livingston, 4th Lord Callender.
Most of Henry's other ancestors were Dutch, with a little German and Swedish thrown in for good measure.
Through his grandmother Cornelia Beekman, Henry was descended from Cornelis Melyn, the Patroon of Staten Island, as well as from Rev. William Baudertius,
a theologian and scholar, author of an extensively illustrated account of the first part of the Eighty
Years' War, 1568-1621, and member of the group which translated the King James Bible into Dutch.
Henry's great grandfathers - Philip Schuyler and William Beekman - were, with
grandfather Henry Beekman, leaders of the New York political scene.