Clement Clark Moore's Poetry
Clement Clark Moore
Brought to you by the website of Henry Livingston, the author of A Visit From St. Nicholas

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"This book evaluates the opposing arguments and for the first time uses the author-attribution techniques of modern computational stylistics to settle the long-standing controversy. Both writers left substantial bodies of verse, which are analyzed for distinguishing characteristics. Employing a range of tests and introducing a new one�statistical analysis of phonemes�this study identifies the true author and makes a significant contribution to the growing field of attribution studies."

The writing of "The Night Before Christmas."    In anapest!

Fun Activities for Christmas

The Poetry of Clement Moore  (1779-1863)
Loose Poems
Old Santeclaus 1821 Old SANTECLAUS with much delight 32 Anonymous; attributed by Foster
From St. Nicholas 1822 What! My sweet little Sis, in bed all alone; 23 A Christmas anapaest
Valentine for Fanny 1852 Now let us hope, my Fanny dear, 24 Valentine
To Little Clem   While older people send their loves 16 Valentine
"Poems" 1844
Saratoga   It was the opening spring-time of the year, 499 After death of wife, 1830; bef marriage of daughter, 1835
Portrait   The semblance of your parent's time-worn face 48
Fashionable Countrywomen   Who in the stream of fashion thoughtless glide; 75
Mischievous Muse   Bright God of harmony, whose voice 83
After a Snow-storm   Come children dear, and look around; 32
Natural Philosophy   The beasts who roam o'er Libya's desert plain 75
My Name in the Sand   This name here drawn by Flora's hand 8
Cowper the Poet   Sweet melancholy Bard! whose piercing thought 36
To Petrosa   Thy charms, Petrosa, which inspire 32
A Song   Sweet Maid, could wealth or power 23
Old Dobbin   Oh Muse! I feel my genius rise 28 example of poem style already being ridiculed
Invitation to a Ball   Full well I know what direful wrath impends, 70 Before marriage, 1813
Fragment Fair   My merry friend, your balls are wound; 54
To a Lady   THY dimpled girls and rosy boys 90
A Visit from St. Nicholas 1822 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house 56 Source of Moore's attribution
Flowers to a Friend 1842 There is a language giv'n to flowers, 72
Yellow Fever 1805 Dread pestilence hath now fled far away; 151
Nymphs of Mt Harmony   An idle swain late chanc'd to roam 96 Not clear if that date of poem
Birthday   To hail thy natal day, fair maid, 32 Not clear if that date of poem
Paganini   Accept, dear Doctor, my unfeigned thanks 28
Organist   The troubles of an Organist I sing; 84
The Pig and the Rooster   On a warm sunny day, in the midst of July 86
Valentine Day   Now when the breath of coming Spring 52
Wine Drinker   I'll drink my glass of generous wine; 172
Water Drinker   Away with all your wine-fill'd casks! 181
Gloves   Go envied glove, with anxious care, 24
The Farewell   My ear still vibrates with thy sweet command; 42
Cholera 1832 Ye sacred Sisters; not for you, this strain: 80 Not clear if that's date of poem
Marriage 1836 Ye sacred Sisters; not for you, this strain: 72 Margaret's marriage to John Ogden
To Southey   Southey, I love the magic of thy lyre, 96
Manuscript Book
Charles Elphinstone 1851 I sing the strife maintain'd, by minist'ring powers 1806 15 Oct 1851
Valentine 1843 All Nature, bound in icy chain, 48
Irish Valentine 1844 The top of the morn to ye! this blessed day, 68 example of "Cant Phrases"
West-Point 1844 Fair maid, I'd quarrel with my Muse, 72 5 Oct 1844
Caroline's Album 1845 Sweet maiden, could I on this page impress 24 12 Jul 1845
Catharine's Album 1843 Dear Kate, these bright but short-lived flowers, 24 Feb 1843
For a Kiss 1846 Thousand thanks, my sweet girl, for the kiss that you sent! 20
Theresa's Flower 1846 While lib'ral wealth, from door to door, 24 25 Dec 1846
Jeanette's New Year 1848 You ask me, gentle maiden, once again 60 27 Dec 1848
Eliza in England 1849 Old Chelsea once again looks gay 40 19 May 1849; best Moore poem; for his granddaughter
Margaret 1851 While at fair Margaret's placid brows 24
For a Basket of Flowers 1851 A thousand thanks, my young and lovely friend, 32 15 Jul 1851
The Beach at Newport 1852 'Twas an autumnal morn, celestial bright; 40
Petrarch's Sonnet   Soon as my Laura reach'd the realms above, 14
All Words           All Rhymes           Searchable All Moore Poems

Fun Activities for Christmas
Read the 1823 'Night Before Christmas' with Antique Illustrations
Watch a video of Antique Illustrations set to a recitation of 'Night Before Christmas'
Page Through Antique Illustrated Editions of Night Before Christmas
View Antique Santa Postcards
Watch CBS Good Morning America discussing the authorship conflict in 2000
Watch over 65 videos of Christmas carols set to TV shows
View Comic Book Versions of Henry's Poetry, illoed with antique postcards
Read the arguments made since 1899 about the authorship
Learn about Henry Livingston, the author of Night Before Christmas
Read 'The Mouse in Henry Livingston's House', a footnoted book about Henry
See the changes made to the reindeer names before Moore took credit
And after the fun, fall asleep to Clement Moore's Poetry
   Hopefully, the sugar plums of illustration from antique postcards will help.


Arguments,   Quest to Prove Authorship,   Scholars,   Witness Letters,   Early Variants,   Sources,   Publicity,
First Publication,   Timeline Summary,   Smoking Gun?,   Clement Clark Moore's Poetry,   Fiction,   Letters from You

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