Poughkeepsie Journal
15 Jan 1799
Tipple and Smoke. A Song.
WITH a pipe of Virginia, how happy am I,
And good liquor to moisten my clay, standing by,
I puff up the smoke, and it curls round the room,
Like a Phoenix I seem, in a nest of perfume
In a pipe, and a friend who is fond of a joke,
Then happy together we tipple and smoke.
How pleasant it is thus to puff time away,
And between ev'ry whiff chat the news of the day;
Tobacco, great Raleigh, we owe to thy name,
And ev'ry true smoker will puff up thy fame.
When business is over, we puff away care,
Let ev'ry man else say the same if he dare,
This plant, so delightful, is a foe to the spleen,
As it glows in the pipe it enlivens the scene.
While thus in the fumes we're envelop'd around,
Our heads are like hills which with clouds still are crown'd;
Yes soon we emerge, and go cheerful away,
For a pipe of the best makes us bright as the day.