For the Weekly Museum
Solution to the Rebus,
Which appeared in the Museum of 9th May.
HANNIBAL the great Carthagenian of old;
That caus'd the Romans to tremble (tho' bold)
Ai the city which Joshua took!
You read it in Chapter the eighth of that book.
Mermaid, or syren, as travellers relate;
Are oft' seen at sea - we leave them to fate;
Ibris a bird by th' Eyptians ador'd;
By the Jews 'twas despised, and by them abhor'd.
London's a city, (The island's well known,)
That's famous in Europe for wealth and renown!
Tun, tierce, or tankard, which Vintner's may measure,
Their cyder, or wine, at the purchasers pleasure,
Orpheus, the musician, who charm'd Oberus so well!
That he snatch'd his poor wife from th' torments of hell.
Neptune the God of the ocean we know;
Was Jupiter's brother, and Pluto's also--
Th' initials of these (as above) they will name,
HAMILTON! well known, in Columbian fame!