Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

When I have used the gentle shocks upon a palsy, I have never been able to discover that any of the common celebrated specifics, when cojoined with the electrification, were of any use in accelerating the cure: I have several times coined a preparation of Spl Vini. Camp. Val. Spi. c. c., and applied this compound as hot as the patient could bear; in which state, the muscle will absorb a firearm nearly as big as a large knitting-needle; but it is something probable, that the diffusability of the shocks, operating diaphoretically, propels the stimulus absorpt in the muscle towards the surface, and it flies off in perspiration prematurely.


FROM all that hath been advanced on the subject of medical electricity, I expect my reader will almost prevent me from saying any thing in recommendation of electricity in a dropsy, by saying it is already presupposed; and in every point of view, in which the effects of the electric shocks have been considered, we know it must necessarily affect a dropsy in a most agreeable manner. I do not mean to sinsinuate that your abilities are not sufficient to discern a thing so obvious to the weakest capacity; but it may be necessary, notwithstanding, to familiarize the subject by considering several particulars that respect a judicious treatment of the different cases of dropsy.

Anasarsa. - This is a dropsy on the surface of the body, an effusion of water secreted from the blood and retained under the porous system, but cannot be voided by perspiration without the assistance of art. This is always curable by the shocks only: the method I have taken is, to give the patients as many shocks in a day as they could conveniently bear; and three or four nights in a week, have given them profuse sweatings. In order to stimulate the arteries, and propel on the perspiration, I have given brandy with water very freely for constant drink. The effusion will perspire exeedingly fast, and you will discover it in the reduction of the swelling after the first night's sweat. Great care must be had in this, as well as all other cases of electrifying, that the patient is kept steadily secured from coolness, night and day.

Ascites. - This is an effusion of water secreted in the abdomen. I have used electricity but in two of these cases, one of which was a woman: I electrified her but twice; I heard she was a little relieved. The other was a man, viz. ___ Robinson, Esq. of Chatham, county of Columbia. For some time before I saw him, the swelling had increased upon him very much, and all means that formerly had given relief now failed: he applied to electricity in this extremity, for relief; in five days he was a good deal better, insomuch that a vest, just made, larger than usual, and which he had

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1 Title page
2 Preface
13 Animal and Vegetable Electricity
15 Chapter 1 - Electric fire promotes the vegetable life, etc.
70 Chapter 2 - Of the Conductors
   97 Chapter 3 - Fever  [Medical Conditions]
108 Peripneumony 171 Cholic 210 Involuntary motion
      of the eyelids
111 Pleurisy 174 Asthma 210 Hemmorage
114 St. Anthony's Fire 176 Diabetes 217 Hemorroids
115 Inflammatory Rheumatism 178 Urine suppressed,
  bloody and hot
217 Ulcers and Abcesses
115 Inflammatory Sore Throat 182 Menses obstructed 220 Rickets
122 Madness 185 King's Evil 221 Locked Jaw or Joints
131 Ague 186 Cancers 224 Bruises
138 St. Vitus's Dance 194 Quincy 229 Nerves contracted
140 Hysterics 195 Head-ache 230 Sprain or Strain
144 Epilepsy 196 Deafness 231 Felon or Whitlow
149 Consumption 197 Inflammatory Eyes 231 Pains in different parts
153 Palsy 197 Film 232 Wounds, etc.
158 Dropsy 199 Gutta Serena 234 Drowning
164 Gout 207 Cataract 237 Suppressed Perspiration
166 Dysentery 209 Fistula Lachrymalis 237 Burns and Scalds
242 Chapter 4  [Equipment]
277 Thoughts on the Times
Electricity, or Ethereal Fire, Considered is presented here for historical purposes only, and should not be interpreted as medical advice.


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