Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

and that it tends also to propel humours towards the surface of the body; and that, consequently, the patient doth void them by perspiration. And it is equally true, that when the shock is passed upon a set of vessels, but especially the arteries leading to any particular part, and the shock passing in conformity to the motion of the arteries, it doth assist them in forming a redundancy in that part to which the arteries lead, the shock being in due force.

From all that hath been said on the subject, may be learned these two things: First, That in order to affect diseases in a proper manner, there should be a judicious attention to the direction of the shock; and, secondly, That as there hath been no knowledge of this particular matter, nor indeed of any thing founded on rational principle, respecting medical electricity, it is no very great marvel that it is in no high estimation among the generality of mankind. Any man may use a machine; but he must be well instructed, that doth it properly.


THIS disease may sometimes be cured, but may always be relieved, by electrifying. If you can know by the symptoms, at any time, when the fit is coming on, you may prevent it for that time, by giving a few shocks. It will also throw off the spasm, and bring any person out of a paroxysm immediately, by passing a few shocks from hand to hand, through the breast, and from the sides of the neck, and from the top of the head, to the feet.

I suppose there are several causes of epilepsy, and that it is difficult to trace them with precision. It is, at least, a very obstinate disease, and sometimes baffles all medical skill. It is found, however, by experience, that the gentle electrications go the fartest in relieving persons who are so unhappy as to be subject to it. Those cases which I have radically cured by the electric shock, were such as I had reason to apprehend proceeded from some disorder in the head - perhaps compression of the brain, from some cause or other, or some part essential to life and health contiguous thereto. The evidences were, a great degree of stupor, and loss of memory: The more these symptoms appear, the more hope there is of a cure by the electric shock. If the cause appears, from these symptoms, to exist in the head, the shock may be passed from the top of it only, to the feet. If there is evidently a redundancy in the head, it will be expedient to pass some strong shocks from the sides of the neck to the feet.

There is a general utility inelectrying for all kinds of fits: even when you cannot totally cure them, they are always made less frequent, and generally shorter and lighter; not only so, but it will forever prevent stupor, loss of memory, &c. - will preserve the mental faculties - insomuch, that there is as little danger

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1 Title page
2 Preface
13 Animal and Vegetable Electricity
15 Chapter 1 - Electric fire promotes the vegetable life, etc.
70 Chapter 2 - Of the Conductors
   97 Chapter 3 - Fever  [Medical Conditions]
108 Peripneumony 171 Cholic 210 Involuntary motion
      of the eyelids
111 Pleurisy 174 Asthma 210 Hemmorage
114 St. Anthony's Fire 176 Diabetes 217 Hemorroids
115 Inflammatory Rheumatism 178 Urine suppressed,
  bloody and hot
217 Ulcers and Abcesses
115 Inflammatory Sore Throat 182 Menses obstructed 220 Rickets
122 Madness 185 King's Evil 221 Locked Jaw or Joints
131 Ague 186 Cancers 224 Bruises
138 St. Vitus's Dance 194 Quincy 229 Nerves contracted
140 Hysterics 195 Head-ache 230 Sprain or Strain
144 Epilepsy 196 Deafness 231 Felon or Whitlow
149 Consumption 197 Inflammatory Eyes 231 Pains in different parts
153 Palsy 197 Film 232 Wounds, etc.
158 Dropsy 199 Gutta Serena 234 Drowning
164 Gout 207 Cataract 237 Suppressed Perspiration
166 Dysentery 209 Fistula Lachrymalis 237 Burns and Scalds
242 Chapter 4  [Equipment]
277 Thoughts on the Times
Electricity, or Ethereal Fire, Considered is presented here for historical purposes only, and should not be interpreted as medical advice.


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