Jane's Poetry Book

Sunday, March 17th

The inward Witness to Christianity

Issac Watt, HYMN 4 PART 2

Questions and doubts be heard no more;
Let Christ and joy be all our theme;
His Spirit seals his Gospel sure
To every soul that trusts his name.

Jesus, thy Witness speaks within;
The mercy which thy Words reveal
Refines the heart from sense and sin,
And stamps its own Celestial Seal.

'Tis God's inimitable Hand
That molds and forms the heart anew;
Blasphemers can no more withstand
But bow and own thy doctrine true.

The guilty wretch that trusts thy blood
Finds peace and pardon at the Cross;
The sinful soul averse to God,
Believes and owns his Maker's laws.

Learning and wit may cease their strife,
When miracles with glory shine
The voice that calls the dead to life
Must be Almighty and Divine.


Are those the happy persons here,
Who dwell the nearest to their God?
Has God invited sinners near,
And Jesus bought this grace with blood?

Go, then, my soul, address the Son,
To lead thee near the Father's face;
Gaze on his glories yet unknown,
And taste the blessings of his grace.

Vain vexing World, and flesh and sense,
Retire while I approach my God;
Nor let my sins divide me thence,
Nor creatures tempt my soul abroad.

While to thy arms, my God I press
Nor mortal hope nor joy, nor fear,
Shall call my soul from thine embrace,
'Tis Heaven to dwell forever there.

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