For the Poughkeepsie Journal.
Of the enormous Bones found in America
BETWEEN thirty and forty years
ago at a salt-lick near the banks
of the Ohio, the remains of several
skeletons were discovered which
demonstrate the former existence of
animals very far surpassing in size
any at present known. There is
now in the museum at Yale College,
teeth of a monstrous magnitude,
sent thither from Muskingum by the
late General Parsons. The one the
writer of this account saw, was
upwards of 16 inches in circumference,
and including its fangs, 12
or 13 inches in length.
In the year 1783, as a labourer
was ditching a bog meadow
belonging to a clergyman at Little
Britain in Ulster county, he found
a mass of bones, not two feet beneath
the surface of the ground, of the same
kind probably with those observed
at the Ohio: They were of a black
colour but very hard and the shape
perfect. A German Physician, then
with the British army at New-York
just before its departure, procured
and took them all to Europe.
Gentlemen of the first character in
this country saw them, and declare
that they were astonishingly large:
The thigh bone in particular a
gentleman measured and found it 35
inches in girth.
It is impossible to arrive at the
knowledge of the magnitude of an
animal from an imperfect skeleton;
but no one can hesitate supposing,
that the most gigantic quadrupeds
at present known, are mere pigmies
compared to some of the former
tenants of our western world; but of