Henry Livingston, Jr.
1791 New-York Magazine; or Literary Repository

Year of Henry's heaviest submissions to a magazine


Table of Contents

First issue to which Henry submitted; 3 poems


Notes to Correspondents

Acknowledges receipt of 'West-Point' and 'Seat of Henry Livingston'


Oak and Vine

Unsigned poem appears in Henry's poetry manuscript book

A vine from noblest lineage sprung

Frontier Song

Unsigned poem appears in Henry's poetry manuscript book

Let statesmen tread their giddy round


Unsigned poem appears in Henry's poetry manuscript book; for wedding of sister Helen and brother-in-law Judge Platt

'Twas summer, when softly the breezes were blowing,


Table of Contents

1 drawing and description; 1 poem



Chain that went across Hudson River to West-Point forts during Revolutionary War

THIS formidable spot of ground is on the west side of Hudson's River

A Rebus

Not by Henry, though a rebus is one of his favorite types of poem

THE wond'rous wife of whom the poets tell

Song: German Spa

'German Spa' appears in Henry's music manuscript

Shrew'd remarkers often say


Table of Contents

2 humorous prose pieces; rebus


Notes to Correspondents

Acknowledges receipt of 'View on Hudson's River'


Astronomical Intelligence

Love as conducted on the nearby planets; equality of woment

IN the month of February, 1789, a most excentric idea entered the head of professor Zeritef Shoralow,

Universal Hospital

A humorous cure for love sickness

The subscriber, with whose education no pains has been spared

A Rebus

Deserves a second look since authorship of Solution now separated from authorship of Rebus

THE power which retains the bright spheres in their orbs,


Table of Contents

1 prose piece; solution to rebus


Notes to Correspondents

Accepts only a single rebus solution from multiple submitters


Seat of Henry Livingston, Esq.

Drawing and short description of parents' home

THE seat which the annexed plate is designed to represent,

Solution to June Rebus

Deserves a second look since authorship of Solution now separated from authorship of Rebus

GRAVITATION's the power which acts on the spheres;


Table of Contents

1 drawing and prose piece


Notes to Correspondents

'Honey-dew' will appear next month


Steep Rocks

Drawing and short description

THIS remarkable range of rocks begins within a mile of Powles Hook,

A Curious Sermon

Satirical sermon published in multiple places, not by Henry

A SERMON preached by Parson Hyberdines,


Table of Contents

1 humorous and 1 angry prose piece



Humorous description of sweet morning dew

IF all the phenomena of nature were faithfully registered,

Henry's Sermon Response

Angry letter to editor

Response to Parson Hyberdines's sermon


Table of Contents

nothing by Henry


Table of Contents

2 prose pieces, 1 poem by Henry and 1 poem with confusing attribution


Tipling Mouse

He kills this poor, defenseless mouse!

It has been asserted by some amateurs of natural history,

Antiquity and Universality of the English Language

Humorous description of the origin of some names

THE people of the United States are almost generally descended from Englishmen:


Confusion on attribution

TAKE a city once founded on Victory's field,

On Miss

Good example of Henry's style

SWEET as op'ning roses are


Table of Contents

1 drawing and prose piece, and 1 poem with confusing attribution


Indian Ruins

Drawing and short description of Indian ruins

These remains of Indian ingenuity, are unequalled by any other discovered vestiges of that people,

Oxen, by A.B.

Question on use of oxen vs horses

IN the Christian's, Scholar's, and Farmer's Magazine, vol. i. page 652, oxen are recommended in husbandry,

Solution to the Rebus, p540

Rebus solution which could be by Henry

ON the banks of Hydaspes Nicara was built,


Table of Contents

1 prose piece


Notes to Correspondents

Praise for 'Maelstroom'


Recovery in a Child supposed to be drowned

Use of tobacco to effect the recovery of a drowning victim

SOME time in September last, a female black servant child, between three and four years of age,


Table of Contents

1 drawing and 2 prose pieces


Notes to Correspondents

'esteemed friend R'


Of the celebrated WHIRLPOOL called the MAELSTROOM

Description of ship of wedding party being sucked into the whirlpool

NATURE has no where assumed a more terrific form than in this vortex.

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So Clement Moore grew up reading Henry

Henry Livingston, Rev. Dr. B. Moore


Index of 1791 Volume

All Henry Livingston's Poetry,     All Clement Moore's Poetry     Historical Articles About Authorship

Many Ways to Read Henry Livingston's Poetry

Arguments,   Smoking Gun?,   Reindeer Names,   First Publication,   Early Variants  
Timeline Summary,   Witness Letters,   Quest to Prove Authorship,   Scholars,   Fiction  

   Book,   Slideshow,   Xmas,   Writing,   The Man,   Work,   Illos,   Music,   Genealogy,   Bios,   History,   Games  

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