Carrier Address 1803
All hail to the season so jovial and gay,
More grateful to News-Boys than blossoms of May,
Than Summer's green gown, or Miss Autumn's brocade
Bespangled with gold and with diamonds o'erlaid;
Give me surly winter, bald-headed and bare,
Cold nights, frosty mornings and keen piercing air,
With storms roaring round him; rain, hail, sleet and snow,
While hoarse from the mountains the howling winds blow;
For Summer and Autumn and fair-bosom'd Spring,
With their pinks and their peaches no holidays bring;
But now comes blithe Christmas, while just in his rear
Advances our saint, jolly, laughing, New-Year,
Which, time immemorial, to us has been made
The source of our wealth and support of our trade.