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PAGE 196

with the original text for ane Latine Bible, I found that for the Old Testament, Junius' version varies much from the native phrase and order of the Hebrew, and Pagnin's version, as Montanus hath helped it, comes indeed nearer1 the Hebrew; but if printed and read alone, in many places it yields almost no sense. Wherefore, I thought Pagnin's2 translation would be fitter to put in ane columne over against the Hebrew; only that it were needfull that in severall places it might be amended out of later and more accurate translations. For this cause, much of my time I spent in Holland in comparing Pagnin's version with the original text, and with later translations, such as Munsterus, the Tigurin, Junius, Diadate's, the English, especially the Dutch, which is the latest and most accurate translation, being encouraged therin, and having the approbation of Voetius, Essenius, Nethenus, and Leusden; and so through the whole Old Testament wrote some emendations on Pagnin's translation. I also took much time in going through the English Bibles, and wrote a few diverse readings, and some explicatorie notes, and some reconciliations of contrary like places to have been inserted either among the marginall readings, or printed in two or three sheets in the end of the Bible. But the death of worthy John Graham, provost of Glasgow, who was ready to have born most of the charges of printing, stoped both these enterprises. Therefore, upon an motion from Doctor Leusden, that ane printer in Utricht would print ane Latin Bible, having for the Old Testament Pagnin's translation so amended, I sent Doctor Leusden all these papers, but as yet have not heard of any thing done. Now, whether my constant sitting at the3 studies, or one time upon bussiness walking long too and again through the town, without rendering urine, so as at last my urine was bloody, or any other former infirmity, or age creeping on, may have been the occasion, I cannot determine; but since the year 1667, and therafter, I have such ane constant pain in my bladder, especially when I


1    "Near."

2    "Own."

3    "These."

PAGE 197

walk, that I have been forced to take ane house nearer the church.1 Yet neither I, nor such doctors as I consult with, can be certain wliether it be ane stone, or only ane carnosity in my bladder. Also my hand shakes, so that sometimes I can hardly write with it, it shakes so.2 Otherwise, I bless the Lord, I find hitherto no other great defect either of body or minde.3


1    "Kirk."

2    "I can hardly writt any at all."

3    Livingstone died at Rotterdam, the place of his exile, on the 9th of August 1672.


Rev. John Livingston,
great-great grandfather of Henry Livingston

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