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PAGE 136

and his religious lady, and severall1 worthy experienced Christians, as Alexander Gordon of Earlestone, Alexander Gordon of Knockgray, Robert Gordon of Knockbran,2 John, his brother, and Alexander of Cairleurch,3 John Gordon of Barskiach, the Laird of Cairlton, Fullerton, John M'Adam, and Christian M'Adam of Waterhead, Marion M'Naught in Kirkcudbright, and severall others; for I preached at ane communion in Borg, where was many good people that came out of Kirkcudbright, and was at privat meetings with some of the forementioned at Carlurg, and at the Airds, where Earlstoun then dwelt.

In harvest 1626, I was desyred by my Lord Tarphichen to come to his house at Calder; and being desyred by the aged minister of Tarphichen to preach there, after two or three weeks the presbytrie of Linlithgow keeped an visitation of that church, where I got ane joynt call of the parish and presbytrie, and the old minister, and my Lord Tarphichen, patron of the church, and master of the land, to be minister there. The old man4 died within an moneth or two. I preached there ane whole year, and found severall times the Lord's presence with me in preaching otherwayes then I had found before. Means was used by the paroch and the5 Lord Tarphichen that I might be admitted and settled minister. The presbytrie, although some6 of them were but corrupt men, shewed themselves willing thereunto. But Mr John Spotswood, the pretended Bishop7 of St Andrews, stopped all because of my unconformity; and when the Earle of Lithgow, and Lord Tarphichen, and some others, dealt with him upon my behalf, for even at that time some few by moyen were suffered to enter the ministrie without conformity, he pretended that, notwithstanding of my unconformity, he should not hinder my entrance in some other place, but that was promised to one Mr George Hanna, who thereafter was intruded upon that poor people; and the report went that either that Mr George, or his brother Mr James, had given the Bishop, or some about him, 500 merks Scots to get that place.


1    "Other."

2    "Knockbrax."

3    Another MS. has Gairleuch.

4    "Minister."

5    "My."

6    "Many."

7    "Archbishop."

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This opposition, and fear of disappointment, made the people more desireous to hear the Avord, and their desire to hear made, I thought, that the Lord furnished the more to be preached to them, especially toward the end; for about October 1627, the presbytrie of Lithgow wrote to me to desist to preach1 any more at Tarphichen; and I found the two or three last Sabbaths that I preached there the sweetest Sabbaths, although sorrowfull, that I had seen in that place.

When I was forced thus to leave Tarphichen, and was resolving to return to my father's at Lanerk, and had only gone to take leave of my uncle, William Livingstone, in Falkirk, being anxious anent the case of Tarphichen and my own want of employment, when I had2 sent away before me to Lanerk the boy that waited upon me and keeped my naig, being minded within half ane hour to follow, I got letters from the Countess of Wigtoun from Camernald, that was some six miles distant, that I would come thither to be present with her mother, the Countess of Lithgow,3 who was a-dying, and had been all her dayes ane Papist, but some while before had quit it. When I came thither, the Earle of Wigtoun and she propounded, that seeing their house was six miles from their paroch church, and severall of their tennents about might come to hear sermon in their house, and that it was but ten or twelve myles distant from Tai-phichen, and so some of them also might come, that I would stay with them, and at least in the winter time preach in the hall of Comernald to the family and such as came, untill another4 occasion of employment offered, whereunto5 I condescended. Thus till August 1630, at which time I went to Ireland, I continued more then two years and an half, most part in the house of the Earle of Wigtoun, but that sometimes I stayed somewhile with my father in Lanerk, and most part of these summers I was travelling from place to place, according as I got


1    "From preaching."

2    "And had."

3    She and her husband, as Lord and Lady Livingstone, were conspicuous opponents of the Reformation. She was for some time governess to the Princess Mary, afterwards Queen of Scots. - (See Row's Hist. p. 206 and 208.)

4    "Other."

5    "To which."


Rev. John Livingston,
great-great grandfather of Henry Livingston

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