LITTLETON, by John Cennick
Lo! he cometh! countless trumpets,
Blow before the bloody sign.
Midst ten thousand saints and angels
See the crucified shine!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Well come, welcome, bleeding Lamb.
Appears in brother John Henry's book of Psalms

By John Cennick (1718-1755)
The hymn appears in his brother's, Rev. Dr. John Henry Livingston's,
Psalm and Hymn Book of 1814, p.325-6.
Appears in:
Elizabeth Van Rensselaer Her Music Book, 1782.
Lo! he cometh! countless Trumpets
Blow to raise the sleeping dead;
'Midst ten thousand saints and angels
See their great exalted head.
Welcome, welcome, Son of God.
Now his merit, by the harpers,
Thro&' th' eternal deep resounds;
Now resplendent shine his nail-prints,
Ev'ry eye shall see his wounds:
They, who pierc'd him,
Shall at his appearance wail.
Full of joyful expectation,
Saints, behold the Judge appear!
Truth and justice go before him,
Now the joyful sentence hear:
Welcome, welcome, Judge divine.
Come, ye blessed of my Father,
Enter into life and joy;
Banish all your fears and sorrows,
Endless praise be your employ:
Welcome, welcome to the skies.
Now at once they rise to glory,
Jesus brings them as their king;
There, with all the hosts of heav'n,
They eternal anthems sing:
Boundless glory to the Lamb.