How just the sentiments expressed in an address "upon the probable success of a proper mission to the South Sea
islands," published in London in 1795! "When I see our Moravian brethren hazarding their lives, and blessed in their
labors among the frozen mountains of Greenland, and feeding on whale's flesh, to carry the Gospel into the hut of the savage
Eskimaux; when I follow them in their travels to Mount Caucasus, on the one hand, or mark them pursuing the wandering
tribes of American Indians in their various migrations, and even reconciling themselves to the cabin of a filthy
Hottentot, in order to make them know the power of Jesus's blood; I bow before such ardent zeal, and feel the sharp rebuke of my
own lukewarmness. I reverence their missionaries, and love the people that thus love the souls of men, for the sake of him
who loved us unto death, even the death of the cross." {Evangel. Mag. July, 1795.}
From this short sketch of former missionary exertions, it appears that something has been undertaken by the Roman pontiffs,
and also by the Protestant churches. But their efforts have been so partial and feeble, that they seem to be the design
of party, or the mere palliation of an accusing conscience, rather than an earnest and vigorous intention of prosecuting the
benevolent work, or obtained the professed end. - They justify the declaration, that an extensive promulgation of
the Gospel had not been seriously attempted! nothing since the primitive days of Christianity, deserving the name, had appeared.
The Moravian brethren alone are an exception. - They have, in this instance, evidenced much of the genuine
spirit of the Gospel, and were probably raised up for the express purpose of preparing the way for what has at length commenced.
Present Missions.
By the present period is intended the last eight or ten years, comprising the close of the eighteenth and opening of the
nineteenth century. To exhibit an abridged detail of what has been performed within that time would require a volume.
Nothing more than a mere enumeration of the several establishments of Missionary Societies can be here expected.
The Moravian brethren, who heretofore excelled in their exertions to propagate the Gospel among the heathen, have, of
late, exceeded their former labors; and other churches, at length, have attained the station they ought to occupy in this
benevolent work.
The Moravians have now, in St. Thomas, two establishments; in St. Croix, two; in St. John's, two; in Greenland,
three; in North America, four; in South America, three; at the Cape of Good Hope, one; in Jamaica, two; in Antigua,
three; on the coast of Labrador, three; in Barbadoes, one; in Russian Asia, one; in St. Kitt's, one; in Tobago, one. - The
Rev. G.H. Loskiel (author of the History of the Missions of the United Brethren, &c. translated from the German by C.J.
La Trobe) from whom the principal information respecting these millions has been obtained, observes, in the close of his
letter, "from very small beginnings the missions of the brethren have increased to about thirty settlements in different parts
of the earth, in which nearly 150 missionaries are employed; a number hardly sufficient for the care of above 24,000
converts from among the heathen."
Several animated publications upon the subject of missions engaged the attention of Christians at this period. Among
these, the Rev. Mr. Carey's "Inquiry into the Obligations of Christians to send Missions to the Heathen;" the earnest and
spirited Letters of Melville Horne, late Chaplain of Sierra Leone; and a judicious and pathetic Address by the Rev. David
Bogue, seem to have made the deepest impression. A train of extraordinary and affecting events in Divine Providence, which,
at the time, convulsed many kingdoms in Europe, appear to have been sanctified to the churches. Pious and excellent men
of different denominations, and in different nations, were at once aroused to serious thoughtfulness, to much conversation,
and, finally, the forming of Associations, for the express purpose of glorifying the Divine Redeemer, by extending the
knowledge of his salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth. The set time to build up Zion was come, and the spirit of the
Lord inclined his people to favor her ruins.
Mr. Carey evinced his sincerity by becoming himself a missionary, and went, with others, into India. Besides preaching
the Gospel to the Indoos and neighboring natives, he has been indefatigably employed in translating the Bible into the
Bengalese language, and has nearly completed the version. What blessings have attended these labors may be estimated
from an extract of one of his letters to the Rev. Dr. Miller, of this city. "I have written an account of the great work of
God on the coast near Cape Comorin, to several persons in America. I think when the last accounts came away there had
been near 4000 persons baptized there in the space of a few months. About 1000, more or less, by Mr. Gericke, and 2700
by the native ministers. These have all rejected heathenism, demolished their idols, and fitted up the temples for Christian worship."