There are facts stated in the preceding Discourse which require confirmation.
To prevent disfiguring the page with protracted notes, An Appendix is added. It was asserted - that an extensive promulgation of the Gospel
had not until lately been seriously attempted - that the present views and efforts constitute a distinguished epoch in the history of the Church -
that the vision, Rev. xiv. 1-5, refers to the Reformation - and, that the latest date which can be determined for the fall of mystical
Babylon fixes that event previous to the year 2000. Under the indulgence of an Appendix, some observations, not necessarily attached to the
Discourse, but which may serve to illustrate it, are also annexed.
Former Missions.
THE antichristian spirit invaded the Church at an early period. In the days of the Apostles the mystery of iniquity already worked.
When the good seed was sown, the enemy also sowed tares; and it pleased the Lord of the harvest, in his unsearchable wisdom, to suffer them
both to grow up together. In the same degree that error and pride prevailed, the primitive ardor for propagating the Gospel declined.
After the influence and power of antichrist were matured, and his reign had fully commenced, nothing worthy of notice upon the subject of
missions occurs in ecclesiastical history for many ages.
In the thirteenth century missionaries were sent by the ROMAN PONTIFFS into China and Tartary. In 1338 new legates were despatched
into those countries, in consequence of an embassy from the Kan of the Tartars. The wars afterwards waged by the Tartars against the Chinese
and other Asiatic nations, in the conclusion of the fourteenth century, nearly extinguished the Popish missions and faith there.
Towards the end of the fifteenth century, the Portugese, who cultivated with success the art of navigation, penetrated as
far as Ethiopia and the Indies, and transported the religion of
Rome to their new settlements. About the same time the islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, and Jamaica, together with the continent of America,
were discovered. The Spaniards and Portuguese, who had an immediate interest in the discoveries, sent missionaries to propagate the Roman
faith among the unenlightened American natives! and their labors, blended with the civil authority, and supported by military force, were
represented as very successful.
In the sixteenth century, when the pontiffs saw their ambition checked by the progress of the Reformation in Europe,
they turned their attention more pointedly towards other parts of the world, and became more solicitous than ever to propagate
the Roman faith. The famous society of the Jesuits was devoted to the Court of Rome in the execution of this design.
A number of their order held themselves in constant readiness to repair to any part of the world that might be designated as
the scene of their exertions. The most distinguished of these missionaries was Francis Xavier, who propagated the Popish
religion with amazing success in India and Japan. After his death other members of this insinuating order penetrated into
China, and established several churches in subjection to the Roman See.
During the seventeenth century more vigorous and systematical measures were adopted. In the year 1622 the Congregation
for the Propagation of the Faith was instituted, and enriched with ample revenues. It consisted of thirteen cardinals, two
priests, one monk, and a secretary. To this celebrated establishment another was added in 1627, under the denomination of
a College or Seminary for the Propagation of the Faith. The principal object of this institution was to educate those who
were to be employed in foreign missions. Similar establishments were also formed in France. In the year 1663, the Congregation of Priests
of the Foreign Missions was instituted by Royal authority; and also another, entitled the Parisian Seminary for
Missions abroad. From these societies and institutions many were sent forth to different parts of Asia.
In the beginning of the eighteenth century the Jesuits were particularly successful in the East Indies, especially in the
kingdoms of Carnate, Madura, and Marava, on the coast of Malabar, in the kingdom of Tonquin, and the Chinese empire. In
all those regions, their numerous proselytes, like those among the natives of Mexico, Peru, and Brazil, became
professed Papists, but received little or no instruction in the principles of true and undefiled religion. They were called
Converts, but did not, perhaps, deserve the name of Christians.