the covering which hides thy glories from our view. Increase and strengthen our faith to
enter within the vail, that beholding with open face, we may be changed into the same image, from glory to glory!
CHRIST is all and in all. Every thing great, interesting and necessary in salvation is justly predicted of him. -
Of a proposition so general, which comprehends the whole system, spreads over all the doctrines, and blends with
every article of our creed, the details cannot possibly be considered in the present hour. As a summary
of first prinicples, it must suffice to shew, that CHRIST is all and in all, - in the sacred scriptures - in the religion
of sinners - and in providence.
I. In the sacred scriptures CHRIST is all and in all.
The Scriptures testify of CHRIST - in the law of Moses, in the Prophets, and in the Psalms, it is written
concerning him, that he was to come, to suffer, and to rise from the dead, and that repentance and remission
of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. - In the Gospels and EPistles the accomplishment
of these doctrines of his grace explained and confirmed. - The Acts of the Apostles exhibit
him in his majesty riding prosperously, sending the rod of his strength out of Zion, and ruling in the midst of his enemies. -
The last book of the sacred canon is the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST, the LORD, which is, and which was, and which is to come,
the ALMIGHTY. It fortels the prosperous and adverse state of his Church, the rise and destruction of his enemies,
and his complete and final triumph. The volume opens with the promise of his first appearance. It closes with an assurance
of his second coming. The Scriptures are full of CHRIST. - Look at every part of the Sacred Word.
The HISTORICAL passages even of the Old Testament, refer to Him. The history of creation -
the fall of man - the universal deluge - the call of Abraham - and the lives of the patriarchs. The series of events which
respect that people, of whom as concerning the flesh CHRIST came, and the mention of other nations
with whose fate that people was in some measure connected, all point to the same object.
They are all introduced, to demonstrate the necessity of a Saviour, and discover the marvellous steps by which providence
gradually prepared for the coming of MESSIAH.
The PROMISES are all in CHRIST, yea, and in him amen.
In him they unite, for his