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HYMN 129. C.M.
Funeral Hymn - Submission under bereaving Providence.
1 |
PEACE, 'tis the Lord Jehovah's hand
That blasts our joys in death;
Changes the visage once so dear,
And gathers back the breath.
2 |
'Tis he, the Potentate supreme
Of all the worlds above,
Whose steady counsels wisely rule,
Nor from their purpose move.
3 |
'Tis he, whose justice might demand
Our souls a sacrifice;
Yet scatters with unwearied hand
A thousand rich supplies.
4 |
Our cov'nant God and Father he,
In Christ our bleeding Lord;
Whose grace can heal the bursting heart
With one reviving word.
5 |
Silent we own Jehovah's name,
We kiss the scourging hand:
And yield our comforts and our life
To thy supreme command.
HYMN 130. C.M.
Funeral Hymn - A Saint prepared to die.
1 |
DEATH may dissolve my body now,
And bear my spirit home;
Why do my minutes move so slow,
Nor my salvation come?
2 |
With hcav'nly weapons, I have fought
The battles of the Lord;
Finish'd my course, and kept the faith,
And wait the sure reward.
3 |
God hath laid up in hcav'n for me
A crown which cannot fade;
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HYMN 130. C.M.
Funeral Hymn - A Saint prepared to die. (cont.)
3 |
The righteous Judge, at that great day,
Shall place it on my head.
4 |
Nor hath the King of grace decreed
This prize for me alone;
But all that love and long to see
Th' appearance of his Son.
5 |
Jesus, the Lord, shall guard me safe
From ev'ry ill design;
And to his heav'nly kingdom take
This feeble soul of mine.
6 |
God is my everlasting aid,
And hell shall rage in vain;
To him be highest glory paid,
And endless praise. Amen.
HYMN 131. C.M.
Funeral Hymn - A voice from the tombs.
1 |
HARK! from the tombs a doleful sound;
My ears attend the cry:
"Ye living men, come view the ground,
"Where you must shortly lie.
2 |
"Princes, this clay must be your bed,
"In spite of all your tow'rs!
"The tall, the wise, the rev'rend head
"Must lie as low as ours."
3 |
Great God! is this our certain doom?
And are we still secure?
Still walking downward to the tomb,
And yet prepare no more?
4 |
Grant us the pow'r of quick'ning grace,
To fit our souls to fly;
Then, when we drop this dying flesh,
We'll rise above the sky.