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HYMN 52. First Part. L.M.
Temptation. (cont.)
4 |
Sees ev'ry day new straits attend,
And wonders where the scene will end.
5 |
Is this, dear Lord, that thorny road,
Which leads us to the mount of God?
Are these the toils thy people know,
While in the wilderness below?
6 |
'Tis even so, thy faithful love
Doth all thy children's graces prove;
'Tis thus our pride and self must fall,
That Jesus may be all in all.
HYMN 52. Second Part. C.M.
God the Holy Ghost.
1 |
TEACH us, O Lord, aright to plead
For mercies from above:
O! come, and bless our souls indeed,
With light, and joy, and love.
2 |
The gospel's promis'd land is wide,
We fain would enter in;
But we are press'd on ev'ry side,
With unbelief and sin.
3 |
Arise, O Lord, enlarge our coast,
Let us possess the whole;
That Satan may no longer boast,
He can thy work control.
4 |
O! may thy hand be with us still,
Our guide and guardian be;
To keep us safe from ev'ry ill,
Till death shall set us free.
5 |
Help us on thee to cast our care,
And on thy word to rest;
That Israel's God, who heareth prayer,
Will grant us our request.
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HYMN 52. First Part. C.M.
1 |
REJOICE, believer, in the Lord,
Who makes your cause his own;
The hope that's built upon his word,
Can ne'er be overthrown.
2 |
Tho' many foes beset your road,
And feeble is your arm,
Your life is hid with Christ in God,
Beyond the reach of harm.
3 |
Weak as you are, you shall not faint,
Or fainting, shall not die;
Jesus, the strength of ev'ry saint,
Will aid you from on high.
4 |
As surely as he overcame,
And triumph'd once for you;
So surely, you, that love his name,
Shall triumph in him too.
HYMN 52. Fourth Part. C.M.
Victory through free grace.
1 |
LET me, my Saviour and my God,
On sovereign grace rely;
And own 'tis free, because bestow'd
On one so vile as I.
2 |
Election! 'tis a word divine;
For, Lord, I plainly see,
Had not thy choice prevented mine,
I ne'er had chosen thee.
3 |
For perseverance, strength I've none;
But would on this depend,
That, Jesus, having lov'd his own,
Will love them to the end.
4 |
Empty and bare, I come to thee
For righteousness divine: