Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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PAGE 374:

HYMN 46. Third Part. C.M.
Rejoicing in God our Father. (cont.)

  5 For ever let my grateful heart
   His boundless grace adore;
Which gives ten thousand blessings now,
   And bids me hope for more.

HYMN 47. First Part. L.M.
Hallowed be thy Name.

  1 AMONG the princes, earthly gods,
There's none hath pow'r divine;
Nor are their names nor works, O Lord,
Nor natures, like to thine.
  2 Thy matchless pow'r, thy sov'reign sway,
The nations shall adore;
Their long misguided prayers and praise
To thee, O God, restore.
  3 Let all confess thy name and know
The wonders thou hast done;
Let all adore thee, God supreme,
And own thee God alone.
  4 While heav'n, and all who dwell on high,
To thee their voices raise;
Let the whole earth assist the sky,
And join t' advance thy praise.

HYMN 47. Second Part. L.M.
The name of God exalted above all praise.

  1 ETERNAL Pow'r! whose high abode
Becomes the grandeur of our God;
Immensely far, beyond the bounds,
Where stars revolve their little rounds.
  2 The lowest step above thy seat
Rises too high for Gabriel's feet:
In vain the tallest angel tries
To reach the height with wond'ring eyes.
  3 Lord, what shall earth and ashes do?
We would adore our Maker too:

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HYMN 47. Second Part. L.M.
The name of God exalted above all praise. (cont.)

  3 From sin and dust to thee we cry,
The Great, the Holy, and the High!
  4 Earth, from afar, has heard thy fame,
And worms have learn'd to lisp thy name;
But O! the glories of thy mind
Leave all our soaring thoughts behind.
  5 God is in heav'n, but man below;
Rais'd be our thoughts; our words be few:
A sacred rev'rence checks our songs,
And praise sits silent on our tongues.

HYMN 48. First Part. L.M.
Thy kingdom come.

Be thou thro' heav'n and earth ador'd.
  1 ASCEND thy throne, almighty King,
And spread thy glories all abroad;
Let thine own arm salvation bring,
And be thou known the gracious God.
  2 Let millions bow before thy seat,
Let humble mourners seek thy face;
Bring daring rebels to thy feet,
Subdued by thy victorious grace.
  3 O! let the kingdoms of the world
Become the kingdoms of the Lord;
Let saints and angels praise thy name,

HYMN 48. Second Part. L.M.
Prayer for the spread of the gospel.

  1 BRIGHT as the sun's meridian blaze,
Vast as the blessings he conveys,
Wide as he shines from pole to pole,
And permanent as his control:
  2 So, Jesus, let thy kingdom come;
Let sin and hell's terrific gloom
Swift, at thy brightness, flee away,
And usher in the promis'd day.


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