Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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PAGE 346:

HYMN 31. Fourth Part. L.M.
The gospel is the power of God to salvation. (cont.)

  4 We read the grace, we trust the word,
And find salvation in the Lord.
  5 Let men or angels dig the mines,
Wnere nature's golden treasure shines;
Brouii;ht near the doctrine of the cross,
All nature's gold appears but dross.
  6 Should vile blasphemers, with disdain,
Pronounce the truth of Jesus vain,
We'll meet the scandal and the shame,
And sing, and triumph in his name.

HYMN 31. Fifth Part. C.M.
The call.

  1 SINNERS, the voice of God regard;
   'Tis mercy speaks to-day;
He calls you by his sov'reign word,
   From sin's destructive way.
  2 Like the rough sea, that cannot rest,
   You live devoid of peace;
A thousand stings, within your breast,
   Deprive your souls of ease.
  3 Your way is dark, and leads to hell;
   Why will you persevere?
Can you in endless torments dwell,
   Shut up in black despair?
  4 Why will you in the crooked ways
   Of sin and folly go?
In pain you travel all your days,
   To reap immortal woe!
  5 But he, that turns to God, shall live,
   Thro' his abounding grace:
His mercy will the guilt forgive
   Of those that seek his face.
  6 Bow to the sceptre of his word,
   Renouncing ev'ry sin;

PAGE 347

HYMN 31. Fifth Part. C.M.
The call. (cont.)

  6 Submit to him your sov'reign Lord,
   And learn his will divine.
  7 His love exceeds you highest thoughts;
   He will become your God,
And will forgive your num'rous faults,
   Thro' a Redeemer's blood.

HYMN 31. Sixth Part. P.M.
The gospel Trumpet - Jubilee.

  1    BLOW ye the trumpet, blow,
   The gladly solemn sound!
   Let all the nations know
   To earth's remotest bound,
The year of jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
HL Note
  2    Exalt the Lamb of God,
   The sin-atoning Lamb:
   Redemption by his blood
   Thro' all the lands proclaim;
The year of jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
  3    Ye, who have sold for nought
   The heritage above;
   Shall have it back, unsought,
   The gift of Jesus' love;
The year of jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
  4    Ye slaves of sin and hell,
   Your liberty receive;
   And safe in Jesus dwell,
   And blest in Jesus live;
The year of jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home.
  5    The gospel trumpet hear.
   The news of pard'ning grace:

Henry Livingston Note:
Appears in Music Manuscript as Jubilee


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