Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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HYMN 18. Third Part. L.M.
The presence, glory, and power of Christ.

  1 WITH transport, Lord, our souls proclaim
Th' immortal honours of thy name;
Altho' ascended to thy throne,
Thou still art present with thine own.
  2 High on his Father's royal seat,
Our Jesus shone divinely great;
Ere Adam's clay with life was warm'd,
Or Gabriel's nobler spirit form'd.
  3 Thro' all succeeding ages, he
The same hath been — the same shall be;
Immortal radiance gilds his head,
While stars and suns wax old, and fade.
  4 The same his pow'r his flock to guard;
The same his bounty to reward:
The same his faithfulness and love,
To saints on earth and saints above.
  5 Let nature charge, and sink, and die;
Jesus shall raise his chosen high;
And fix them near his heav'nly throne,
In glory changeless as his own.

HYMN 19. First Part. L.M.
He sitteth at the right hand of God.

  1 JESUS the Lord our souls adore,
A painful suff'rer now no more;
At the right hand of God he reigns
O'er earth, and heav'n's extensive plains.
  2 His race for ever is complete;
For ever undisturb'd his seat;
Myriads of angels round him fly,
And sing his well-gain'd victory.
  3 Yet 'midst the honours of his throne,
He joys not for himself alone;

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HYMN 19. First Part. L.M.
He sitteth at the right hand of God. (cont.)

  3 His meanest servants share their part,
Share in that royal tender heart.
  4 Raise, raise, my soul, thy raptur'd sight
With sacred wonder and delight;
Jesus at God's right hand now see,
Enter'd within the veil for thee.

HYMN 19. Second Part. C.M.
Jesus our vital head.

  1 JESUS, we sing thy matchless grace,
   That calls poor worms thy own;
Gives us among thy saints a place,
   To make thy glories known.
  2 Allied to thee our vital head
   We live, and grow, and thrive:
From thee divided, each is dead,
   When most he seems alive.
  3 Thy saints on earth, and those above,
   Here join in sweet accord:
One body all in mutual love.
   And thou, our common Lord.
  4 May faith from thee each hour derive
   Supplies with fresh delight;
While death and hell in vain shall strive
   This bond to disunite.
  5 Thou the whole body wilt present
   Before thy Father's face;
Nor shall a wrinkle or a spot
   Its beauteous form disgrace.

HYMN 19. Third Part. L.M.
Christ will come to judge the world.

  1 NOW to the Lord that made us know
The wonders of his dying love,
Be humble honours paid below,
And strains of nobler praise above.


Rev. John H. Livingston:     Memoirs,     Psalms and Hymns,     Sermons,     Funerals,    Marriage,     Eulogy

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