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HYMN 3. Third Part. C.M.
We are corrupt and incapable of doing good. (cont.)
4 |
Such is the folly of the mind,
Till Jesus make us wise.
5 |
We give our souls the wounds, they feel;
We drink the pois'nous gall,
And rush with fury down to hell;
But grace prevents the fall.
6 |
The man, possess'd among the tombs,
Cuts his own flesh, and cries;
He foams and raves, till Jesus comes:
Then the foul spirit flies.
HYMN 3. Fourth Part. C.M.
We must be born again.
1 |
OUR nature's totally deprav'd;
The heart a sink of sin;
Without a change we can't be sav'd;
We must be born again.
2 |
That, which is born of flesh, is flesh,
And flesh it will remain;
Then marvel not that Jesus saith,
"Ye must be born again."
3 |
Spirit of life, thy grace impart,
And breathe on sinners slain:
Bear witness, Lord, in ev'ry heart;
That we are born again.
4 |
;Dear Saviour, let us now begin
To trust and love thy word;
And, by forsaking ev'ry sin,
Prove we are born of God.
HYMN 3. Fifh Part. S.M.
Vital union to Christ in regeneration.
1 |
DEAR Saviour, we are thine
By everlasting bands:
Our names, our hearts, we would resign,
And souls, into thy hands.
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HYMN 3. Fifth Part. S.M.
Vital union to Christ in regeneration. (cont.)
2 |
Accepted for thy sake,x
And justified by faith,
We of thy righteousness partake,
And find in thee our life.
3 |
To thee we still would cleave.
With ever growing zeal;
If millions tempt us Christ to leave,
O let them ne'er prevail.
4 |
Thy spirit shall unite
Our souls to thee our head:
Shall form us to thy image bright,
That we thy paths may tread.
5 |
Death may our souls divide
From these abodes of clay;
But love shall keep us near thy side,
Thro' all the gloomy way.
6 |
Since Christ and we are one,
Why should we doubt or fear?
Since he in heav'n hath fix'd his throne,
He'll fix his members there.
HYMN 4. First Part. S.M.
Vital union to Christ in regeneration.
1 |
THE Lord Jehovah reigns,
His throne is built on high;
The garments he assumes,
Are light and majesty.
His glories shine with beams so bright,
No mortal eye can bear the sight.
2 |
The thunders of his hand
Keep the wide world in awe;
His wrath and justice stand
To guard his holy law:
And where his love resolves to bless,
His truth confirms and seals the grace.