PAGE 254:
PSALM 148. First Part. P.M.
Praise to God from all creatures.
1 |
YE tribes of Adam, join
With heav'n and earth and seas,
And offer notes divine
To your Creator's praise.
Ye holy throng of angels bright,
In worlds of light, begin the song.
2 |
Thou sun with dazzling rays,
And moon that rul'st the night,
Shine to your Maker's praise,
With stars of twinkling light.
His pow'r declare, ye floods on high,
And clouds, that fly in empty air.
3 |
The shining worlds above
In glorious order stand,
Or in swift courses move
By his supreme command.
He spake the word, and all their frame
From nothing came, to praise the Lord.
4 |
He mov'd the mighty wheels
In unknown ages past;
And each his word fulfils,
While time and nature last.
In different ways his works proclaim
His wondrous name, and speak his praise
5 |
Let all the earth-born race,
And monsters of the deep;
The fish that cleave the seas,
Or in their bosom sleep;
From sea and shore their tribute pay,
And still display their Maker's pow'r.
6 |
Ye vapours, hail and snow,
Praise ye th' almighty Lord;
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PSALM 148. First Part. P.M.
Praise to God from all creatures. (cont.)
6 |
And stormy winds, that blow,
To execute his word.
When lightnings shine, or thunders roar,
Let earth adore his hand divine.
7 |
Ye mountains near the skies,
With lofty cedars there,
And trees of humbler size,
That fruit in plenty bear;
Beasts wild and tame, birds, flies, and worms
In various forms, exalt his name.
8 |
Ye kings, and judges, fear
The Lord, the sov'reign King;
And, while you rule us here,
His heav'nly honours sing:
Nor let the dream of pow'r and state
Make you forget his pow'r supreme.
9 |
Virgins, and youth, engage
To sound his praise divine,
While infancy and age
Their feebler voices join:
Wide as he reigns, his name be sung
By ev'ry tongue, in endless strains.
10 |
Let all the nations fear
The God that rules above;
He brings his people near,
And makes them taste his love:
While earth and sky attempt his praise,
His saints shall raise his honours high.
PSALM 148. Second Part. L.M.
Universal praise to God.
1 |
LOUD hallelujahs to the Lord,
From distant worlds, where creatures dwell;
Let heav'n begin the solemn word,
And sound it dreadful down to hell.