Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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PAGE 240:

PSALM 139. First Part. L.M.
The omniscience and omnipresence of God. (cont.)

  4 Where, Lord, could I thy influ'nce shun?
Or whither from thy presence run?
  5 If up to heav'n I take my flight,
'Tis there thou dwell'st enthron'd in light;
If down to hell's infernal plains,
'Tis there almighty vengeance reigns.
  6 If I the morning wings could gain,
And fly beyond the western main,
Thy swifter hand would first arrive,
And there arrest thy fugitive.
  7 Or should I try to shun thy sight
Beneath the sable wings of night;
One glance from thee, one piercing ray,
Would kindle darkness into day.
  8 The veil of night is no disguise,
No screen from thy all-searching eyes:
Thro' midnight shades thou find'st thy way,
As in the blazing noon of day.
HL Note
  9 "O may these thoughts possess my breast,
"Where'er I rove, where'er I rest!
"Nor let my weaker passions dare
"Consent to sin; for God is there."

PSALM 139. Second Part. C.M.
The wisdom of God in the formation of man.

  1 WHEN I with pleading wonder stand,
   And all my frame survey;
Lord, 'tis thy work; I own, thy hand
   Thus built my humble clay.
  2 Thy hand my heart and reins possest,
   Where unborn nature grew:
Thy wisdom all my features trac'd,
   And all my members drew.
  3 Thine eye with nicest care survey'd
   The growth of every part;

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PSALM 139. Second Part. C.M.
The wisdom of God in the formation of man. (cont.)

  3 Till the whole scheme, thy thoughts had laid,
   Was copied by thine art.
  4 Heav'n, earth, and sea, and fire, and wind,
   Show me thy wondrous skill;
But I review myself, and find
   Diviner wonders still.
  5 Thine awful glories round me shine,
   My flesh proclaims thy praise;
Lord, to thy works of nature join
   Thy miracles of grace.

PSALM 139. Third Part. C.M.
The words of God innumerable. An evening Psalm.

  1 LORD, when I count thy mercies o'er,
   They strike me with surprise;
Not all the sands that spread the shore
   To equal numbers rise.
  2 My flesh with fear and wonder stands,
   The product of thy skill;
And hourly blessings from thy hands
   Thy thoughts of love reveal.
  3 These on my heart by night I keep;
   How kind, how dear to me!
O! may the hour that ends my sleep
   Still find my thoughts with thee.

PSALM 139. Fourth Part. L.M.
Grace tried.

  1 MY God, what inward grief I feel,
When impious men transgress thy will!
I mourn to hear their lips profane,
Take thy tremendous name in vain.
  2 Does not my soul detest and hate
The sons of malice and deceit?
Those that oppose thy laws and thee,
I count them enemies to me.

Online Parallel Bible
   Psalm 139

Henry Livingston Notes:
This night into day theme appears frequently in Henry Livingston's poetry, as well as in Night Before Christmas


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