PAGE 192:
PSALM 110. Second Part. C.M.
Christ's kingdom and priesthood. (cont.)
6 |
And strike the pow'rs and princes dead,
Who dare oppose his reign.
PSALM 110. Third Part. L.M.
The council of peace.
1 |
JESUS the Priest ascends the throne;
While counsels of eternal peace
Between the Father and the Son,
Proceed with honour and success.
2 |
Thro' the whole earth his reign shall spread
And crush the pow'rs that dare rebel:
Then shall he judge the rising dead,
And send the guilty world to hell.
3 |
Tho' while he treads his glorious way,
He drinks the cup of tears and blood;
The suff'rings of that dreadful day
Shall but advance him near to God.
PSALM 111. First Part. C.M.
The wisdom of God in his works.
1 |
SONGS of immortal praise belong
To my almighty God:
He hath my heart, and he my tongue,
To spread his name abroad.
2 |
How great the works, his hand hath wrought!
How glorious in our sight!
And men in ev'ry age have sought
His wonders with delight.
3 |
How most exact is nature's frame!
How wise th' Eternal mind!
His counsels never change the scheme,
That his first thoughts design'd.
4 |
When he redeemed his chosen sons,
He fix'd his cov'nant sure:
The orders, that his lips pronounce
To endless years endure.
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PSALM 111. First Part. C.M.
The wisdom of God in his works. (cont.)
5 |
Nature and time, and earth and skies,
Thy heav'nly skill proclaim:
What shall we do to make us wise,
But learn to read thy name?
6 |
To fear thy pow'r, to trust thy grace,
Is our divinest skill;
And he's the wisest of our race,
Who best obeys thy will.
PSALM 111. Second Part. C.M.
The perfections of God.
1 |
GREAT is the Lord, his works of might
Demand our noblest songs:
Let his assembled saints unite
Their harmony of tongues.
2 |
Great is the mercy of the Lord,
He gives his children food;
And ever mindful of his word,
He makes his promise good.
3 |
His Son, the great Redeemer, came
To seal his cov'nant sure:
Holy and rev'rend is his name;
His ways are just and pure.
4 |
They that would grow divinely wise,
Must with his fear begin:
Our fairest proof of knowledge lies
In hating ev'ry sin.
PSALM 112. C.M.
The blessings of the pious and charitable.
1 |
HAPPY is he tliat fears the Lord,
And follows his commands;
Who lends the poor, without reward,
Or gives with lib'ral hands.
2 |
As pity dwells within his breast
To all the sons of need;