Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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PAGE 176:

PSALM 103. Second Part. S.M.
Mercy in the midst of judgment. (cont.)

  8 And children's children ever find
   Thy words of promise sure.

PSALM 103. Third Part. S.M.
Bless the Lord, his angels, and all his works.

  1 THE Lord the sov'reign King,
   Hath fix'd his throne on high:
O'er all the heav'nly world he rules,
   And all beneath the sky.
  2 Ye angels, great in might,
   And swift to do his will;
Bless ye the Lord, whose voice ye hear,
   Whose pleasure ye fulfil.
  3 Let the bright hosts who wait
   The orders of their King,
And guard his churches when they pray,
   Join in the praise they sing.
  4 While all his wondrous works
   Thro' his vast kingdom show
Their Maker's glory; thou, my soul,
   Shalt sing his praises too.

PSALM 104. First Part. L.M.
The glory of God in creation and providence.

  1 MY soul, thy great Creator praise;
When cloth'd in his celestial rays,
He in fuil majesty appears,
And, like a robe, his glory wears,
  2 The heavens are for his curtains spread,
Th' unfathom'd deep he makes his bed:
Clouds are his chariots, when he flies
On winged storms across the skies.
  3 Angels, whom his own breath inspires,
His ministers, are flaming fires;
And swift, as thought, their armies move
To bear his vengeance, or his love.

PAGE 177

PSALM 104. First Part. L.M.
The glory of God in creation and providence. (cont.)

  4 The world's foundations by his hand
Are pois'd, and shall for ever stand:
He binds the ocean in his chain,
Lest it should drown the earth again.
  5 When earth was cover'd with the flood,
Which high above the mountains stood,
He thunder'd; and the ocean fled,
Confin'd to its appointed bed.
  6 The swelling billows know their bounds,
And in their channels walk their rounds;
Yet thence convey'd by secret veins,
They spring from hills, and drench the plains.
  7 He bids the chrystal fountains flow,
And cheer the vallies as they go;
Tame heifers there their thirst allay,
And for the stream wild asses bray.
  8 From pleasant trees which shade the brink,
The lark and linnet light to drink;
Their songs the lark and linnet raise,
And chide our silence in his praise.

PSALM 104. Second Part. L.M.

  1 GOD, from his cloudy cistern, pours
On the parch'd earth enriching show'rs;
The grove, the garden, and the field,
A thousand joyful blessings yield.
  2 He makes the grassy food arise,
And gives the cattle large supplies;
With herbs for man, of various pow'r,
To nourish nature, or to cure.
  3 What noble fruit the vines produce!
The olive yields a shining juice:
Our hearts are cheer'd with gen'rous wine;
With inward joy our faces shine.

Online Parallel Bible
   Psalm 103
   Psalm 104


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