Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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PAGE 132:

PSALM 77. First Part. C.M.
Hope prevailing over despondency. (cont.)

  9 I'll think again of all thy ways,
   And talk thy wonders o'er,
Thy wonders of recov'ring grace,
   When flesh could hope no more.
 10 Grace dwells with justice on the throne;
   And men, that love thy word,
Have in thy sanctuary known
   The counsels of the Lord.

PSALM 77. Second Part. C.M.
Comfort derived from ancient providences.

  1 "HOW awful is thy chast'ning rod!"
(May thy own children say)
"The great, the wise, the dreadful God,
"How holy is his way!"
  2 I'll meditate his works of old,
   The King that reigns above:
I'll hear his ancient wonders told,
   And learn to trust his love.
  3 Long did the house of Jacob lie
   With Egypt's yoke opprest:
Long he delay'd to hear their cry,
   Nor gave his people rest.
  4 Israel, his people and his sheep,
   Must follow where he calls;
He bids them venture thro' the deep,
   And makes the waves their walls.
  5 The waters saw thee, mighty God!
   The waters saw thee come;
Backward they fled, and frighted stood,
   To make thine armies room.
  6 Strange was thy journey thro' the sea,
   Thy footsteps. Lord, unknown:
Terrors attend the wond'rous way,
   That brings thy mercies down.

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PSALM 77. Second Part. C.M.
Comfort derived from ancient providences. (cont.)

  7 He gave them water from the rock;
   And safe by Moses' hand,
Thro' a dry desert led his flock
   Home to the promis'd land.

PSALM 78. First Part. C.M.
Providences recorded for the instruction of Children.

  1 LET children hear the mighty deeds,
   Which God perform'd of old,
Which in our younger years we saw,
   And which our fathers told.
  2 He bids us make his glories known;
   His works of pow'r and grace:
And we'll convey his wonders down
   Thro' ev'ry rising race.
  3 Our lips shall tell them to our sons,
   And they again to theirs;
That generations yet unborn
   May teach them to their heirs.
  4 Thus shall they learn in God alone?
   Their hope securely stands;
That they may ne'er forget his works,
   But practise his commands.

PSALM 78. Second Part. C.M.
Israel's rebellion and punishment.

  1 O WHAT a stiff, rebellious house
   Was Jacob's ancient race!
False to their own most solemn vows,
   And to their Maker's grace.
  2 They broke the cov'nant of his love,
   And did his laws despise;
Forgot the works he wrought, to prove
   His pow'r before their eyes.
  3 They saw the plagues on Egypt light,
   From his avenging hand:

Online Parallel Bible
   Psalm 77
   Psalm 78


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