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PSALM 42. Second Part. L.M.
Hope in affliction. (cont.)
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Thy light and truth shall guide me still:
Thy word shall my best thoughts employ;
And lead me to thine heav'nly hill,
My God, my most exceeding joy.
PSALM 43. P.M.
Complaint mingled with hope.
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MY God, defend my cause
Against a host of foes:
O! save me from th' unjust,
Who triumph in my woes.
Why dost thou faint,
My trembling heart?
To God impart
Thy sad complaint.
2 |
Why dost thou, O my shield,
Desert me thus forlorn?
Why, hated and oppress'd,
Thus bid me ceaseless mourn?
To God I fly;
In God I'll trust,
When low in dust
My head shall lie.
3 |
Now to thy sacred house
With joy direct my feet;
Where saints, with morning vows,
In full assembly meet.
Thy power divine
Shall there be shown,
And from thy throne
Thy mercy shine.
4 |
O! send thy light abroad:
Thy truth with heav'niy ray
Shall lead my soul to God;
And guide my doubtful way.
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PSALM 43. P.M.
Complaint mingled with hope. (cont.)
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I'll hear thy word
With faith sincere,
And learn to fear
And praise the Lord.
5 |
There reach thy bounteous hand,
And all my sorrows heal;
There health and strength divine
O! make my bosom feel.
Like balmy dew,
Shall Jesus' voice
My bones rejoice,
My strength renew.
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Then in thy holy hill.
Before thine altar, Lord,
My harp and song shall sound
The glories of thy word.
Henceforth to thee,
O God of grace,
A hymn of praise
My life shall be.
7 |
My soul, awake to joy,
And triumph in the Lord,
My health, my hope, my song,
And my divine reward.
Ye fears remove;
No more I mourn;
But blest, return
To sing his love.
PSALM 44. C.M.
The Church's complaint in persecution.
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LORD, we have heard thy works of old,
Thy works of pow'r and grace;
When to our ears our fathers told
The wonders of their days.