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PSALM 40. First Part. C.M.
Deliverance from great distress. (cont.)
3 |
To praise the wonders of his hand,
In a new, thankful song.
4 |
I'll spread his works of grace abroad;
The saints with joy shall hear:
And sinners learn to make my God
Their only hope and fear.
5 |
How many are thy thoughts of love!
Thy mercies, Lord, how great!
We have not words, nor hours enough,
Their numbers to repeat.
6 |
When I'm afflicted, poor and low,
And light and peace depart,
My God beholds my heavy woe,
And bears me on his heart.
PSALM 40. Second Part. C.M.
The incarnation and sacrifice of Christ.
1 |
BEHOLD the blest Redeemer comes!
Th' eternal Son appears!
And at the appointed time assumes
The body, God prepares!
2 |
Jesus reveal'd his Father's grace,
And his rich mercy show'd:
He preach'd the way of righteousness;
And spread his truth abroad.
3 |
His Father's honour touch'd his heart,
He pitied sinners' cries;
And, to fulfil a Saviour's part,
Was made a sacrifice.
4 |
No blood of beasts, on altars shed,
Could wash the conscience clean;
The sacrifice which Jeaus paid
Atones for all our sin.
5 |
When was the great salvation spread,
And Satan's kingdom shook:
PAGE 077:
PSALM 40. Second Part. C.M.
The incarnation and sacrifice of Christ. (cont.)
5 |
Thus by the woman's promis'd seed
The serpent's head was broke.
PSALM 40. Third Part. L.M.
Christ our sacrifice.
1 |
THE wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought,
Exceed our praise, surmount our thought;
Should I attempt the long detail,
My speech would faint, my numbers fail.
2 |
No blood of beasts on altars spilt,
Can cleanse the souls of men from guilt;
But thou hast set before our eyes
An all-sufficient sacrifice.
3 |
In heav'n before his Father's throne,
Complacent, smiles th' eternal Son;
And, pleas'd, presents with boundless grace
Himself, a ransom for our race.
4 |
"Behold! I come" (the Saviour cries,
With love and duty in his eyes)
"I come to bear the heavy load
"Of sins, and do thy will, my God.
5 |
"Mine ear is open'd to thy voice,
"My heart delighted with thy choice;
"Pleas'd, I assume a fleshly form,
"A-kin to man, that dying worm.
6 |
"'Tis written in thy great decree;
"Tis in thy book foretold of me;
"I must fulfil the Saviour's part;
"And lo! thy law is in my heart.
7 |
"I'll magnify thy holy law,
"And rebels to obedience draw;
"When on my cross I'm lifted high,
"Or to my crown above the sky.
8 |
"The Spirit shall descend and show
"What thou hast done, and what I do: