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PSALM 36. First Part. S.M.
Atheism exposed. (cont.)
2 |
Till his dark crimes, at once reveal'd,
Expose his hateful name.
3 |
His heart is false and foul,
His words are smooth and fair:
Wisdom is banish'd from his soul,
And leaves no goodness there.
4 |
He plots upon his bed
New mischiefs to fulfil:
He sets his heart, his hand and head,
To practice all that's ill.
5 |
But there's a dreadful God,
Tho' men renounce his fear:
His justice, hid behind the cloud,
Shall one great day appear.
6 |
His truth transcends the sky;
In heav'n his mercies dwell;
Deep as the sea his judgments lie;
His anger burns to hell.
7 |
How excellent his love,
Whence all our safety springs!
O never let my soul remove
From underneath his wings!
PSALM 36. Second Part. L.M.
General providence and special grace.
1 |
LORD, thy mercy, my sure hope,
The highest orb of heav'n transcends;
Thy sacred truth's unmeasur'd scope
Beyond the spreading sky extends.
2 |
Thy justice like the hills remains;
Unfathom'd depths thy judgments are;
Thy providence the world sustains;
The whole creation is thy care.
3 |
Since of thy goodness all partake;
With what assurance should the just
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PSALM 36. Second Part. L.M.
General providence and special grace. (cont.)
3 |
Thy shelt'ring wings their refuge make;
And saints to thy protection trust.
4 |
Such guests shall to thy courts be led,
To banquet on thy love's repast;
And drink, as from a fountain head,
Of joys that shall forever last.
5 |
With thee the springs of life remain;
Thy presence is eternal day:
O! let thy grace thy saints sustain:
To upright hearts thy truth display.
PSALM 37. First Part. C.M.
The rewards of the righteous and the wicked.
1 |
WHY should I vex my soul and fret
To see the wicked rise?
Or envy sinners waxing great,
By violence and lies?
2 |
As flow'ry grass, cut down at noon,
Before the ev'ning fades:
So shall their glories vanish soon,
In everlasting shades.
3 |
Then let me make the Lord my trust,
And practise all that's good;
So shall I dwell among the just,
And he'll provide me food.
4 |
I, to my God, my ways commit,
And cheerful wait his will:
Thy hand, which guides my doubtful feet,
Shall my desires fulfil.
5 |
Mine innocence shalt thou display;
And make thy judgments known,
Fair as the light of dawning day,
And glorious as the noon.
6 |
The meek at last the earth possess,
And are the heirs of heav'n: