Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection
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Single Page Chapter VIII

PAGE 364:

believing; and believe me to be, with sincere respect,
"Reverend and Dear Sir,

"Your affectionate friend,
"And brother in the Lord,

''Rev. Dr. Romeyn."

The other being short, is presented entire.

"New-York, May 31I, 1803.
"Reverend and Dear Sir,

"Frequently since your kind and very acceptable letter came to hand, I have determined to write to you. But whether ordinary duties require more attention than heretofore and press with greater weight; or whether a languor, in the least exertion, marks our advancing years; so it is, that between duties and languor, I neglect what was once my delight, and I have not done what I intended to perform in this instance."

"I wish very much to see you, and hope you will find yourself able to be present with us at the approaching session of the General Synod. We reside at so great a distance apart, that unless we meet upon such occasions, we have little hope of enjoying each others company. The subjects you

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mentioned in your friendly letter, are very important. They are worthy of our maturest consideration and joint efforts; and I shall be happy to unite with you in promoting the peace and prosperity of our precious Zion."

"Endeavour, my dear brothre, to meet me at Poughkeepsie. Summon up the energy requisite to undertake the journey. The exertion may be of service even to the languid body; and it will, no doubt, refresh your mind. The Lord strengthen and comfort you, preserve you on the way, and render our interview pleasant to ourselves, and profitable to his Church! Accept of my sincere love, and be assured of the respect and esteem with which I am,

"Reverend Sir,
"Your affectionate friend,
"And brother in the Lord,

"Rev. Dr. Romeyn."

The next extract is from his letter to the Rev. Mr. (afterwards Doctor) J. B. Romeyn, upon learning the decease of this gentleman's father.*


The Rev. Dr. T. Romeyn was one of the brightest ornaments and most useful ministers of the Dutch Church.— In vigour


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