of various other important duties, necessary to at
proper adjustment of its concerns, and indispensable to its future welfare, in consequence of the long
suspension of pastoral cares, and the commencement of a new form of political government, was
more than usually devolves upon the minister of the
Gospel; more, indeed, than a single one in such a station could well perform, without incessant assiduity.
And the Doctor stood alone as the pastor. Of the
four ministers in connexion with the Church when
the war begun, he was the only one whom Providence permitted to take the oversight of it when
the war ceased: but he nevertheless cheerfully
undertook the difficult service to which his Master
had called him, and that service he discharged with
unwearied diligence and zeal.
While he was thus devoted to his congregation,
he also co-operated with the friends of science and
religion, to forward the accomplishment of an
object which was then in contemplation — the erection of a State University.
In a letter to the Rev. Dr. Romeyn, dated March
18, 1784, there is the following paragraph: — "That
evening when I parted with you, the Governors of
the College met, and a bill for erecting a University in the state of New-York was read to us. Many
observations upon the bill, in the form it then bore,
were made, and some alterations were strongly
urged. The alterations insisted upon were not
essential, with respect to the basis of the University, but only the form in which the matter was
managed. There is no opposition from any quarter
which occasions the least doubt but the business
will be conducted with that spirit of catholicism and
harmony, which will ensure a literary foundation of
importance to the Church and State. As soon as
the bill has obtained its proper alterations, and gone
through its different stages, I will endeavour to
obtain a copy for you, and send it over to you."
He felt, too, no little solicitude for the general
welfare of the Church to which he belonged, as
is apparent from another part of the same letter.
Having mildly animadverted upon the strong manner in which a respected clerical brother had
expressed himself in favour of Queen's College, he
adds — "For my part, I wish only for information,
and if I know my own heart, I am perfectly impartial and without the least prejudice in favour of one
place or seat of learning above another. My only
inquiry is, which place can be rendered most secure
for maintaining our blessed truths unadulterated, and
which — provided there are several methods which
in that respect are equally secure — is most easy,