"These, and what I might still add, if these were
not sufficient, have induced me to prefer the last to
both the former plans. The difficulties which
occur, are, indeed, not small; they are few in number, but of great weight. The one is, it will unavoidably
take up some time, at least two years,
before any thing of importance can be done towards this establishment. The other is, we have
not funds equal to the task; and we shall need the
advice of our wisest friends, to point out a method
for obtaining a sum sufficient to maintain a professor in theology, and in the oriental languages."
"I have already said that I was not fixed in my
views respecting this affair; — at least, not so fixed
but that I stand open for conviction, and wish to
obtain all the light which can be thrown upon the
object, before I determine in what manner my
vote or small influence shall direct. Upon discoursing with Mr. Romeyn, I found him fully convinced
that what I have last considered was the
proper line of conduct for us; and his arguments
have not a little conduced to establish my mind
upon this plan. It is the interest of the Redeemer's cause we have at heart. Our hands must do
what we are called to with all our might. An
effectual and peculiarly exclusive door is now
opened for service. The enemy of all religion is
not at rest. Our united efforts and blessings, as
answers to prayer from the throne, may fix an establishment that shall make glad the city of our God
for ages yet to come."
The conjectures he formed, as to the arrangements that would be made in behalf of the literary
institutions mentioned, and the views of church
policy he expressed in this letter, were singularly
judicious; and it must be acknowledged, that they
prove him to have been a man of an enlightened
and comprehensive mind, and, however devoted to
the best interests of his own Church, of a catholic
To a distressing and protracted time of war succeeded at length, in the good providence of that
God who ruleth among the nations, a time of peace.
By His blessing upon the arms of America, every
mountain became a plain before her Zerubbabel,
and the top stone of her liberties was brought forth
with the exulting shouts of thousands. Verily
there is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a
mighty man is not delivered by much strength [Ps. xxxiii. 16, 34];
but they that are engaged in a righteous cause and
look to the Lord for help, through him shall do