commending a precious salvation to all around him,
as well in the social circle as in the house of God.
The Church in which the Doctor now regularly
preached, was in the village of Lithgow, where he
lived, and near the Manor-house, but his attentions
were not confined to the congregation that assembled in that place. Other congregations within a
convenient distance, — and there were several, composed chiefly of German families, in want of the
ministrations of the Gospel, — enjoyed a portion of
his labours as often as circumstances would permit.
During his stay with this people, which lasted about
eighteen months, he preached two sermons every
Sabbath, one in English and the other in Dutch,
— and he had reason to hope that his strength had
not been spent for nought.
The following two years were passed at
Poughkeepsie. The Church in this town, which
now was without a settled minister, desired his
services; and he being rather inconveniently
situated in some respects, at the Manor, consented to take the pastoral oversight of it; —
and, accordingly, removed for the purpose in
1781, to his father's mansion, where he remained
until the close of the war. — Of the profitableness
of the Doctor's ministry, during this period, no
materials are in hand to authorize a representation:
there can be little doubt, however; — nay, the simple
fact that some solicitude was expressed to have his
labours, warrants the assertion, that in point of popularity, he stood high with the people, furnishing a
case — a case, indeed, which rarely occurs in which
the proverb was not verified that, a prophet is not
without honour, save in his own country and in his
own house [Matt. 13. 57. 33]."
The present cheering prospects of America
led him to reflect with much attention upon the
changes that would be necessary in ecclesiastical
policy, under a new form of political government,
to place the Church in the most advantageous circumstances, or to give the denomination that relative
standing and influence among other denominations,
to which it was the ardent wish of his heart it
might speedily attain. The following extract of a
letter to the Rev. Dr. Westerlo, dated 22d October,
1783, will show the interest and mature deliberation with which he revolved the important subject,
and also the origin of a plan which was ultimately
adopted, but not till towards the close of his life.
"The revolution in our political interests has