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Single Page Chapter VI

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be considered as having the binding power of a solemn compact, it should be referred to the


appointed in the most suitable season, and so as to be most convenient for the particular assemblies.

Examination, Preparation, and Peremption.
"For this General Assembly, with the approbation of the Rev. Synod of North Holland, and the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, we assume the long-wished-for right of examining candidates for licensure and for the ministry; and also further to qualify those who are lawfully called, as the same is practised in the Netherlands. A list of all those who have been examined and ordained, as also of the newly settled and removed ministers, shall be kept in our yearly acts, and sent over with a request to the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, that they may be carefully inserted in the register of ministers, and numbered by them among the North American preachers in both provinces.

Matters to be treated of in the General Assembly.
"All Church matters which cannot be determined in the particular assemblies shall, when regularly brought up, receive their complete and final decision in the General Assembly. In some particular cases, the following rules shall be adopted:

Union with the Church of Holland.
"To preserve in the best possible manner, the bond of union with our highly esteemed mother Church, (which we greatly desire,) there shall first be sent every year a complete copy of all
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judgment of the Classis of Amsterdam. The prime mover in the whole matter, it is probable in the first


the acts of our general assembly, signed by the Proeses and Scriba, for the time being, to the Classis of Amsterdam, as duly named by the Synod of North Holland for that purpose.

Appeals concerning Doctrines.
"Secondly — Whenever differences may arise on important doctrines among the brethren, whether ministers or communicants, a decision on which might be matter of grievance to some, the case in difference shall be left to the judgment of the Rev. Classis, or if need be, to the Rev. Synod of North Holland, according to whose decision the general assembly, as well as the condemned party, shall conform or act.

"In case a minister, on account of doctrine or life, shall be deposed, and conceive himself aggrieved by such deposition, he shall have the liberty of laying his case before the Rev. Classis of Amsterdam, or through it before the Rev. Synod, for their judgment, whether he may be called again or not; and the general assembly, with the deposed minister, shall be bound to submit to the judgment of the Rev. Classis. In the mean time, however, in consequence of the length of time required for deciding such an unhoped-for case, the congregation of the deposed minister, if they request it, shall be furnished with another pastor.

Approbation of Calls.
"It is agreed, that the approbations of the calls of candidates


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