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the present volume to an immoderate size. If what
is now submitted shall be esteemed of any value
as a Biography of our departed Friend, and as a
History of the Church; if the portrait it presents
of the venerable man, shall be viewed as upon the
whole, a good likeness; and if what has been related
therein of his virtues and services, shall be productive of any good, or shall contribute, in any degree,
to the cultivation of genuine piety, and excite a
more active zeal in the promotion of the best interests of our beloved Zion, I shall feel that I have
not laboured in vain.
The representation I have given of his worth
will not appear at all extravagant to you who knew
him, and loved him: and to those, who were not
personally acquainted with him, I flatter myself, that
the opmions of eminent divines, out of the connexion with which I have been favoured, and which
will be seen in their place, will show satisfactorily
that that worth has not been too highly estimated.
Having made these introductory remarks, the
work is now offered to the indulgence of the Christian reader.
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whose request it has been prepared, I beg permission, with all due respect, to inscribe it, — adding
my fervent prayer, that the GREAT HEAD OF THE
CHURCH, will render it subservient to the advancement of his kingdom, and that he will fill You "with
all the fulness of God."
Your friend and fellow-labourer
in the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
New York, March 25, 1829.