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the height of madness to which those fanatics carried their vengeance against the Protestants, that for a person to be well received, and esteemed, and considered of importance in society, his great merit must consist in finding out and in recommending some new mode of tormenting the few remaining Protestants, who were unable to flee from their native home, and who had secluded and concealed themselves in caverns and in hiding places, in order to avoid meeting the eyes of superstitious man, who boasts so much of his civilization. This is not the vain and idle fancy of imagination, it was maturely communicated to the writer by some of the descendants of the most respectable Protestants, during his residence in that very city of Nantz, in the year 1783, and who under the mild administration of the benevolent Louis the XVI. had ventured to return to their native country. The pious Livingston in his continuation said, that an unhappy dispute arose between the mother country and this favoured land. So disposed were the hearts of the American people to cultivate the relations of peace with their mother country, that they concluded to send humble petitions again and again, imploring the king to hear their just complaints and redress their grievances; and notwithstanding they received no answers to their humble petitions, and not wishing to separate themselves from that country to which they were attached by the ties of nature, they again resolved to make another effort at reconciliation, by sending out commissioners for the purpose of presenting in person their humble petitions to the king. But still no answers were returned; no notice taken of them; and no alternative was left but to confide in Him who rules in the armies of Heaven and among the children of men. - The mercenary armies, both foreign and


domestic, were employed to crush the spirit of civil and religious liberty in this happy land; and you all know, my dear friends, full well, the privations we have endured, the mighty contests we have been engaged in, the fearful odds we had to contend with, and the final result which has, under the blessing of the Almighty, placed us in this exalted station. You had been wrongfully persecuted, your country has been desolated by a sanguinary war, your rights invaded, and you was reduced to the alternative to take up arms in your defence: your friends have fought and bled in the cause of civil and religious liberty; your altars had been polluted - and still, in the midst of all this desolation, we have reason to believe our prayers have been heard, and it has pleased Almighty God, of his infinite mercies, to preserve us even unto this day: he has restored us to our homes and to our just rights: every one is now sitting down in peace and quietness under his own vine and under his own fig-tree, none daring to make him afraid. Oh! then, my dear friends and countrymen, what shall we say, what language can express, what can we render unto Almighty God for such signal, such inestimable blessings? May we not truly and emphatically say, in the language of our text, "He hath not dealt so with any nation?" Again, hear the language of the Psalmist in his 124th Psalm, on another occasion, somewhat resembling our present situation, when the Israelites after they had been encompassed about by the mercenary armies of the Philistines, and remark his confidence in God: "Now may Israel say, if it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us, then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us; our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowler: the snare is


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