Gertrude Thomas
Witness Letters



2015 East 40th St
Feb 26th (17

Well Nellie darling - At last I have come to the answering of your dear letter with its many questions - a number of which I fear I cannot answer - but I shall dash right into the middle of the business at hand.

Question no 1. "Has any one a picture of Henry Livingston's old home at Locust Grove?

Answer - I have never seen one - nor heard that there was one.

Question 2. How old was your Uncle when he heard his father read the poem - his age and the year as near as possible. When it was written/read - and date he was born."

My uncle was born in 1794 - but I have no idea how old he was when it was read. I imagine he may have been ten or twelve years old.

Question 3d. The name of the paper in which it was published etc.

It was a Poughkeepsie paper - whether named "The Eagle" at that time I do not know.

4. Will you look among your papers and letters and see if you have any other poems of G. GrandDad of any kind?

Answer. I have nothing dearie that would be of the least use to you - in fact - I do not know where to lay my hand upon anything.

5. Date Major Livingston was born.

Ans. I think he was born in 1749 - but Will Thomas plans to show you his records and if he does you can see for yourself.

I do not know what year the poem was written.

Grandfather Livingston married for his second wife "Jane Patterson" who I am sure was a charming little creature. The first Sunday after their marriage - they were very properly - going to church. The family coach was at the door, with its short span of bays, - and the family coachman in his well-brushed livery - on the driver's seat.

Down stairs tripped the bonnie Bride all redy for a Start - dressed - according to the fashion of the day - in a Scarlet cloak with white velvet hat and feathers.

Her husband very plainly and gravely dressed met her in the hall - and looked at her with admiring but disapproving eyes - and said - don't you think dearie - you are too gaily dressed for Church?

NO! she replied - You always liked my style of dress before our marriage when it was just as gay - Why object to it now? I am goiing to church with you - and dressed in just this way!

After this decided reply, what did Major Henry Livingston do but retire to his room - don his embroidered waistcoat - his shoes with paste buckles - and his fine blue cloak with gold buttons.

When the Bride and groom stepped into the carriage - the old colored coachman looked very proud and happy - and started his Bays on a quick trot - to cover the two miles between Locust Grove and the Village of Poughkeepsie.

So you see - "woman's rights" even in that early day.-

This Grandfather is your Great Great Grandfather. I have never seen the lovely verses you speak of - written after the death of his

Thomas Collection


Arguments,   Quest to Prove Authorship,   Scholars,   Witness Letters,   Early Variants,   Sources,   Publicity,
First Publication,   Timeline,   Smoking Gun?,   Clement Clark Moore's Poetry,   Fiction,   Letters from You

Xmas,   The Man,   Writing,   History,   The Work,   Illustrations,   Music,   Genealogy,   Biographies,   Locust Grove

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