Henry Livingston, Jr.
Carrier Addresses

Address of the Carrier
of the
To his Patrons,
With the Compliments of the Season.

LO! the fleet days of feathery-footed TIME
    Hither again have led the jocund hours,
When social joys enlivin every heart,
    And Hospitality opes wide her doors.

Ingenuous Friendship prompts a xx
    Of the gay circle round the cheerful fire,
While Age and Languor cast their cares away,
    To feel the glow that Peace and Mirth inspire.

With moistened eyes Parental fondness views
    The guiltless gambols of the Infant throng;
Sees them elate the New-Year's gift display,
    And hears well pleas'd the Riddle and the Song.

Hail happy People! who thus free from dread,
    From hard OPPRESSORS, and from WARLIKE strife,
With Competency blest, and Home and Friends,
    Can taste the calm felicities of Life.

And if indeed to some, all righteous Heaven
    Or valued Wealth or bosom Friend denies,
Yet all the wants of humble indigence
    The generous Eboracian hand supplies.

And sure, myh Patrons dear, since you last year
    With much Munificence your Bounties gave,
To you my most unfeigned thanks are due,
    And Oh! my warmest wish again receive.

Still may benignest Peace your days attend -
    The sweets of Virtue may you ever prove;
And may you long, with active Health, enjoy
    The smiles of Fortune, and the smiles of LOVE.

New-York, January 2, 1797.


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